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Comment Re:more leisure time for humans! (Score 2, Interesting) 530

I wish I had some mod points - there are so many misconceptions about Marx and communism that it is sometimes painful to watch. Although, if we'll take anarchism or libertarian capitalism in their extreme (and unattainable) forms, they'll result in a really nice societies as well. We'll just need a different types of people for each of these systems to work properly. Right now it seems that we have the system that we deserve, no more, no less.

Comment Re:That's Less Than $1 per Device (Score 2) 530

Hmm... you wouldn't buy some cheap knockoff, would you? If your phone costs less than $800, it's not "premium" or "VIP" or how do they call these things nowadays. So no, prices would remain the same because people are already buying phones at current prices, and even if it will go up they'll gladly pay for the magical "status item". Lawyers and marketologists could ask for a raised salary, though.

Comment Re:It's a problem... (Score 1) 118

Yeah, no argument here. I'm afraid that for the equation "most ethical business = most profitable (or should we say most rewarding?) business" to work we'll need a different society. More insightful, more long-term thinking as a whole. But I don't think that even the best engineers in the world could manage such an accomplishment.

Comment Re:It's a problem... (Score 1) 118

Wait, are you implying that Bezos and Musk are the same? Well, why not just throw in Larry Fucking Ellison - great futurist and visionary. Amazon and Walmart are working hard on becoming the monopolies, using so many dirty tricks in process it's mind-boggling. They are on the level of Monsanto now. While Tesla opens up their patents, Amazon still holds it "one-click buy" stupidity as a Holy Grail. And you think that future with this kind of people at the helm would be bright? Sorry, no sell.

We don't need "cutthroats", we need engeneers and architects.

Comment Re:It's a problem... (Score 1) 118

Well, to really succeed, this process has to start from the both sides: some well-motivated guys on top have to support some blue collar workers, who, in turn, have to use this power in constructive way. You know, when every one, from the "big boss" to the last janitor's assistant would be really proud to do they work, create something meaningful, help to build better future, etc. Not so likely in current conditions. And that's not even bringing in the problems of outsourcing jobs or even eliminating them completely with the help of robots.

Still, only time will tell how this problem is going to solve itself.

Comment Re:It's a problem... (Score 4, Insightful) 118

Well, that's the core problem of post-industrial society vs. industrial society. Maybe even post-modern world vs. modern world. Maybe people like Elon Musk (sorry, I know that everyone are already grew tired of his name, but I can't take another example from the top of my head) can renew the popularity of actually achieving something, rather than "great, we've secured the profit for our shareholders for the next quarter, fuck everything else". I, for one, would really love to see a beginning of a "neo-modern" era.

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