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Comment Re:bank I use ... allows (weak passwords) (Score 1) 271

Why? the damage that can be done to me by a compromised gmail account is worst.

From my bank you can read my financial records, and mail checks. I can notice this before the check ever arrives.

From my gmail, you can reset most of my passwords to everything, and impersonate me, doing much personal if not economic damage, maybe even some light blackmail.

I'd like to see paypal be more secure, as they can actually spend my money, though I get an instant notification, and am sure could call and reverse it before damage is done (I actually think adding someone to send checks to does the same at my bank).

There's very little real damage to be done from my online banking. My credit card doesn't have a password, I hand to a half dozen people a day, and even that has cost me only 2 hours of a pain in the ass over 15 years.

Comment Re: Other sources for music (Score 1) 196

I was actually trying to reply to the same "Gr8Apes' comment you were, sorry. I guess that's what I get for trying to internet on a phone with a half broken screen.

I'm with you that mass appeal pop is pretty much garbage (it's hard to appeal to everyone and still be good, it can be done, but it's certainly not the majority).

The idea that there's only a couple good songs a year is what I found surprising, music exploration and discovery is made so much easier now, obviously if Bach is your thing, that's a lot less relevant though. I wouldn't dare to compare Bach to modern music, not because I think one is so much better or worse, but because they're not comparable.

Anyway, sorry if I offended.

PS, Is there a definitive JS Bach discography? as in the one that should be the one listened too?

Comment Re: Other sources for music (Score 1) 196

I can't tell if you're serious or not, but if you like and explore various types of music, there is plenty.

Doomtree et Al, sunflower bean, hail Mary mallon are all things I've started listening to quite regularly fairly recently. The amount of music created is immense, and a lot of it really good.

The reason not to torrent music is that a Spotify or google play music subscription will introduce you to new music, and provide a way to listen to it for free (after subscription).

There's nothing wrong with music not really being your thing, but the attitude that it's all bad and the same is wrong, we are at a golden age of music discoverability.

Comment Re:removing the speed of light barrier (Score 1) 58

Essentially, you cannot control the outcome of how the entanglement works. You just know it's the same on both sides.

Basically, a random event happens simultaneously on both sides, but it's still random. the example of Alice and Bob both pressing simulteneiously buttons, and always pressing the same one is illustrating this principal as I read it.

Note, how I read it as a layman, so not really answering from the authority you want.

Comment Re: Who eats doughnuts with the doughnut men? (Score 1) 468

Cops feel under attack because of decades of escalating their own protection.

For better or for worse (and I have a personal opinion of worse, but I don't really know), police are less in touch with their communities than in the past.

The distance means that even the law abiding citizens only have negative interactions with the police (this is where my opinion is formed). Once the "good" people of a questionable community no longer support the police and want to help them, you get a feedback loop where the police rapidly become only the enemy.

I don't know how to fix it, but if the police weren't the enemy already, fergeson would not have happened.

Comment Re: Big Myth #1 (Score 1) 339

Just looked into your first example, the details on Wikipedia are obviously false (with a sentance that amounts to "before founding YouTube, dude was tagging videos in youtube", but all were from PayPal. I suspect they were already wealthy before YouTube.

I could be wrong though, but on the face of it, it reads like three guys rich went on to use their money to found something else.

Comment Re: He'll win in a landslide (Score 1) 120

In Pennsylvania there were issues because you needed a special exemption to have a birth certificate without a raised seal count.

Unfortunatly for the poor Philadelphia and delco residents, many were birthed by midwives in the segregated south.Those certificates didn't have raised stamps.

This probably cost tens of thousands of votes in a state where it really may have been relevant.

I think on principal, id shouldn't be needed, but that it also in general is not a big deal and a whole lotta fighting about nothing.

Real fraud happens without someone showing up, old fashioned ballot stuffing is the ideal way to commit it.

The old people without access it ids are also dieing off, in ten years it won't be an issue.

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