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Comment Re:For gamers? (Score 1) 110

Yes, the same brand disposables are at different angles of handle, which is exactly what I said the difference was.

The only time I've bought lady razors was when traveling and buying disposables, and it was absolutely noticeable the difference between the equivalent male and female versions.

Comment Re:Great (Score 1) 175

It'll be interesting if cloud e-mail makes things more private in the end.

I'm curious how this could decrease revenue though, because automated scanning is is where the adds come from, and your key would only be as long as effective as a pass-phrase (I assume cloud stored password protected key, with local javascript to unlock the key, and something stored on the local computer to cache the key so the pass-phrase doesn't need to be used constant).

Comment Re: Good, I say (Score 1) 502

If it is, you should know, because that can be dangerous when attached to normal wiring stuff (it oxidizes with standard equipment), and just in general (it oxidizes in general too).

I can't bend my copper wiring, but I can definitely work with it if I leave it be. Also, maybe some wires were strands like a lamp wire, I don't know, the copper anywhere I've lived has been a single thick wire, but I could see how if it was like lamp wire it could crumble with age.

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