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Comment Re:Centrifuge parts (Score 1) 260

Boy Scouts can :-P



A Scout in the Boy Scouts of America, Hahn conducted his experiments in secret in a backyard shed at his mother's house in Commerce Township, Michigan. While his reactor never reached critical mass, Hahn attracted the attention of local police when he was stopped on another matter and they found material in his vehicle that troubled them and he warned that it was radioactive. His mother's property was cleaned up by the Environmental Protection Agency ten months later as a Superfund cleanup site. Hahn attained Eagle Scout rank shortly after his lab was dismantled

Defocon 16 - The true story of the Radioactive Boâ¦: http://youtu.be/z2uXoMA1OmA

Comment Need to clear overcrowded con? (Score 1) 126

Use some powder to make yourself a litle pale, rub fingers in dirt to dirty under fingernails real good, dirty hair a little. Smoke joint for some red eye.

Act sick

While standing in line act like you have flu but casually mention you and friend recently got back from safari vacation outside Liberia but you bright own food so you say its just a flu or cold.


Have friend make Ebola joke...

Watch place clear out.. :-P

Comment Re:what a showboat (Score 1) 152

What is really sad if the inventor of Wolverine or any of the original characters were to draw and post them online to sell, perhaps in retirement for extra cash they'd be sued into bankruptcy.

Its sad when something you invented on paper you are never allowed to do it again. And if after your death your family finds old artwork of characters Disney can have the place raided and all artwork drawn during his original employment confiscated.

Comment proof banning guns doesn't harm criminals (Score 2) 331

Every member of the yakuza have pistols, and the various gangs. But banning guns keeps civilians from defending themselves.

When you ban guns it never stops criminals from getting them. It makes it easier for criminals to get and easier for them to use to take whatever. Its also why the yakuza are more powerful than their own government

Comment Re:Ok, but (Score 1) 580

But wait a minute...

Say you got mp3s legally from Grooveshark but decade later you found out those mp3s were not legal, but you were under the understanding they were.

Or for my time, when Napster first came out it was legal, Dave Grohl uploaded tracks to Napster and even bragged about their band using it on the HBO Dennis Miller show.

But it became "retroactively" illegal

FBI is horseshit

Will bitcoin militia to make ice,nsa, fbi, cia, go boom

Comment Re:Bring back the WinNuke! (Score 1) 155

I remember my Slackware 2.0.29 kernel would freeze in a winnuke I found that back then slack opened 139 by default for shared drives via samba

Samba was formed as it had exact bug windows did when a fragmented packet hit 139 both OS would crash.

I think it was 2.0.31 that fixed the problem letting those packets get ignored or something its been a long time.

Slackware was fixed fast, but widows was vulnerable for long long time.

Used to troll irc and winnuke channels watching all the timeouts.

Teardrop was fun, it brought the similar bug back

Then there was modem bugs, ctcp +++atz I think it was and it forced modems to hangup. You could also send string to hang up modem and dial a 900 number to piss off some kids parents when they got bill

Comment Re:Well duh. (Score -1, Troll) 293

Nobody cares about rich drunk redskins casino owners

White pride

Its OK to have (insert racial) pride and its perfectly legit and respected

But you say white pride and political correctness retards go nuts

Fuck political correctness, fuck cow worshipping curry slurpers, fuck Infosys

White pride mother fuckers!

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