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Comment Outsourcing plays a role. (Score 3, Insightful) 101

In one example I saw, the, um, mistake in security implementation was committed by a belarussian contractor who had a strong feeling against the U.S. oil interests in Georgia (Eastern Europe) and was working at a U.S. mega-corporation...

Hiring certain political persuasions to do mission-critical work for mega-corporations is something I would look out for. I specifically mean hiring anti-U.S. personalities to perform work for U.S. infrastructure has its weaknesses.

When mega-corporations implement critical infrastructure (e.g. login credentials) they would be using sympathetic professional contractors, probably from the U.S., the U.K., France, Germany, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canda of course. Not BRIC. That's my 2c /.

Comment Re:Please sign my petition on this (Score 1) 121

Assign U.S. Army laboratory (USAMRIID) to investigate and develop a treatment for the MERS virus outbreak.

The emerging MERS virus poses a potential threat to the health of all U.S. Citizens. MERS may represent a second example of "SARS-like" viruses and the present emerging outbreak is a good time to practice our national response to a potential emergency.

The U.S. Army laboratories including USAMRIID, national labs, and other reasources at your disposal stand at the ready to defend the United States from various organisms. These laboratories may have the ability to quickly research the MERS virus for the people of the United States.

The United States government should in turn give the patents and other properties created by the United States to the American people, and to all the nations of the world.

Comment Re:They saw this coming for ages... (Score 5, Informative) 235

GOES-R looks really cool.

Here is a trailer/teaser video about it, excellent production values. It could be titled: "GOES-R : Into Fog"

The page that has links to all these videos is at a special U.S. government website about GOES-R

This is a much longer video which details all of the instruments.

Finally, you may enjoy this video on the overall NOAA project and system, and how GOES-R fits into that system. Of note in this video is the statement that currently three (3) GOES satellites provide redundant coverage of the U.S.

At the moment, GOES-15 is the west coast satellite, at longitude 135 West. GOES-13 was imaging from 75W. GOES-14 is presently located at 105W.

Comment Re:I sense a great disturbance in the web... (Score 2) 223

If you live in the U.S., this type of meat is named "organic" and already on the shelves.

Hell, I would be glad to buy such a product and pay more for them.

You can do that already -- unless you object to the use of antibiotics on animals with an infection. Even organic labelling allows that. It's the non-therapeutic use of antibiotics that is prohibited.

Comment It's about jurisdiction (Score 1) 106

All four dismissals occurred in the Northern District of Illinois.' I don't see how Prenda thinks this is going to make one lick of difference to an already angry Judge."

Prenda believes the California judge does not have the power to compel out-of-state Prenda "employees" to appear. I would bet a dollar that one of the Prenda guilty parties lives either in Illinois, or the 7th Circuit federal jurisdiction. If they don't dismiss cases in jurisdictions where they live, and things unfold as they have in California, they could face arrest.

Comment Could you tell me more about the iOS-ification? (Score 1) 965

I've been thinking that I might like to own a retina Macbook. My reasons are: the good screen, the BSD-based OS, a professionally-made desktop environment.

What is this "iOS-ification" of the Mac you write about? Is Apple making changes to close the platform to non-Xcode development?

Tell me more.

Comment Games with micropayments (Score 1) 369

I don't make micropayments. I appreciate games which make it clear when a player has purchased an item. "You were killed by custom sniper rifle." I think to myself, they paid 30 cents to be superior.

I do sometimes pay per-month fees, if the game itself is good. I think this is justified for MMO games, due to server and bandwidth requirements.

For games such as the sims, I buy the expansions but would not pay for continuous on-line DRM.

It feels so good to play this way, it makes the pay-to-excel games actually more fun. The challenge becomes to counter-snipe the guy with the 30 cent rifle, unless you get a chance to blow up a 50 cent air ship.

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