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Comment Let's have some reality then (Score 1) 86

Let's have a reality based answer as to why "The claimed advantages of launching "deep in the Southern Hemisphere" are bunk."
As I repeatedly have been asking, since you've made a broad technical assertion lets have a broad technical answer without hiding behind likes, dislikes, nationalities or restricting to specific types of rockets a company (which I haven't even heard of before) has used in the past when neither of us have a clue what they are going to be using in the future. They may be completely and utterly fucking useless but the site choice may have been recommended by someone who is not - so why not such a site?
If you can't do anything more than emotional waffling and a one-dimensional model with nothing but equatorial orbits, that's fine, we'll know where we stand and I'll know I should stop being lazy and dig out the old course notes and look up half remembered stuff about Baykonur instead of listening to you.
If you can't answer it will explain why you got so fucking aggressive and evasive when I asked a simple question expecting a simple answer or an admission that you didn't know either. What's it to be? More stupid bullying bullshit I'm not going to fall for or some reality? I don't "win" if you don't know because I don't know either so there is nothing to lose by being truthful, I'm not playing some childish game here. Can you please try to act in a way so you can say the same?

Comment Re:Did you even read my post? (Score 1) 86

That's rich coming from someone attempting to justify NZ as a launch site

Asking a question "why N.Z.?" pondering possibilities and asking if it makes sense is NOT "attempting to justify".
Please calm down and do something more practical than an emotional rant and attempting to pick a fight.

Sit down, imagine that RL was an Argentinian company

OK then, if they were an Argentinian company, sitting on a lot of cash for some reason, with a big rocket, let's say a Russian one proven to actually work, and you had no reason to pick a fight over them would launching from that far south make sense? Is that playing your game enough for you to stop avoiding the only bit of the question that actually matters?

Comment Re:Lawrence (Score 1) 234

Fair enough, but from the outside of the group it does look Anti-Christian to ban Christmas even in that way.
I suppose a better example is a video clip I saw of some visiting US fundamentalists disrupting an Easter procession in St. Petersberg Russia - blocking the way of people carrying statues of Jesus and yelling "turn to Jesus" as if they didn't know it was an Easter procession - how insane is that? It was probably about idols which is where we come full circle back to the Moslem extremists demolishing old Islamic art.

Comment Re:$40,000 - $60,000 (Score 1) 377

You again? First point, yes, but you are incorrect with the second point - it's all about published standards to get things done (eg. SEGD) and new standards DO come up all the time and they are not "stubbornly resisted" because they are ALSO published standards and can be easily included in the software along with the old formats.

Comment Re:This is a GODDAMN DISASTER! (Score 2, Insightful) 179

The Bitcoin system is highly resistant to "rouge" or bad actors in the system

How about blanc and bleu :)

You can trust Bitcoin by learning how it works

Let's just ask the guy who set it up. We can't? He's in hiding? He's been hiding for YEARS? Oh yes, I can really trust it now.
From learning how it works it's a shameless pyramid rewarding those who get in early so long as a steady stream of people decide to sign up but there is zero value or trust holding up the pyramid. Short term users who use it as a barter item and unload it quickly are not exposed to much potential pain, those who are holding onto it, their future is barely floating in very deep water and I must say I'm truly amazed the entire thing has not sunk yet.

Comment Re:$40,000 - $60,000 (Score 1) 377

Funny thing is today someone is probably reprocessing the data from the area next door at 2ms and happy they don't need to redo your stuff. There is a lot of reprocessing of old data going on and some of it is even off the original reels because nobody has format shifted it.
Interesting how seismic data from the 1970s can be read with current software by MS Office documents only a few versions back have problems.

Comment Re:Lawrence (Score 2) 234

Fundamentalism, in any religion, is not typically accompanied by using sexual slavery as an incentive to get young men to fight for you

It manifests as "all the old rules are not good enough" and sometimes the new rules look like utter heresy. A much milder Christian version was some Puritans who banned Christmas - only used as a comparison because it's an example of an offshoot denying what people see as a core of the religion.
So even though it looks like an utter heresy of absolute evil (the first case not the very mild comparison) the practitioners/perpetrators see themselves as "fundamentalist".

is that they're "religious" in the same way Scientology is: they have all the trappings of religion, but it's all quite contrived

Yes, but it's not just Scientologists that have a group aiming for control that pretends to be something else, and a dumbed down shell of religion with all new rules does the job.

I think it's a mistake to confuse the problem with fundamentalist Islam in other parts of the world

That's where they are getting their resources from. It's just like how Senator Peter King (New York) didn't build bombs to kill Englishmen but was quite proud of sending money to people in the IRA who did.

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