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Comment Re:Good luck with that... (Score 1) 153

I don't think NK is a satellite state in the usual sense of the word. China certainly shields NK, but its reasoning isn't always clear. NK does act as a major counterbalance to US interests (Japan, South Kore and Taiwan). At the same time, NK seems extremely suspicious of China and some believe that at least part of the reason for the latest purge was to cut out members of the regime with too close a ties to China.

Comment Re:Fundamental failure of process design (Score 5, Informative) 212

What kind of a plant is designed in a way that a full failure of their control system would result in being unable to shutdown in a controlled manner.

Pretty much all of them. At best, you can lose a batch of something if the process fails in the middle. If Sunsweet loses power in the middle of cooking a batch of fruit paste, the batch not only fails and has to be trashed but cleaning the system is far more difficult than if the batch succeeds. At the point where factories become complex enough to need digital automation, you cannot reasonably create a failsafe mechanism which will prevent an error from losing a batch. The best you can hope for in some situations, probably most, is to create mechanical interlocks which will prevent immediately catastrophic combinations of inputs and outputs.

Comment Re:Old news. (Score 1) 285

Well, thankfully I live in a country where it is virtually impossible to get into the predicament due to the special way our traffic lights work. You know 5 seconds before your green light goes to yellow that it's about to happen.

It's been well-demonstrated that some cities adjusted the yellows downwards. That's not a problem inherent to red light cameras, but there's no other "good" reason to do it.

Comment Re:Why bother? (Score 1) 421

So I really don't understand where this bashing of .Net comes from, but I'm guessing a lot of it is from open source fanboys that love to hate Microsoft and have never taken time to use the recent (last 3-5 years) iterations of it's products.

It's not about perceived quality, although the perceived quality is fairly low because all of the identifiably .NET software I've used so far has been slower than the competition... but I'm willing to imagine that the software I've used has been of particularly poor quality itself, and it's not .NET's fault. It's because I don't trust Microsoft. Now that they are apparently open sourcing the interesting parts of .NET, their primary influence over the language should be only their control over the best IDE, which is significant but not necessarily a deal-breaker. However, as long as the majority of the .NET world is Microsoft-based, I still won't trust it. And therein lies the problem; it's going to have to have a bunch of competing implementations and thus many of the same problems as Java before it's going to be trustworthy.

If you're happy being tied to Windows, more power to you, I guess. I'm not. I'm not happy about invitations either, mind you. But I don't actually see those on Linux.

Comment Re:Ethics? (Score 1) 556

Don't try to blow this off as some kind of SJWer bullshit. I believe those people actually exist, but I don't believe as many of the people you think are that are in fact that. I think gamergate is bullshit, and I have had passionate argument about how the name "feminist" is sexist and had to personally field the arguments about how it's not sexism if you're on the more oppressed side. Well, I could see how that could seem true if one doesn't own a dictionary... but let's face it, 1) the core claims of Gamergate have now been shown to be overblown at best, 2) there is no public evidence that any of the claims of harassment or threat at question were fabricated, only speculation, and 3) gaming journalism has long been corrupt, and even if all the initial claims were true, this would have been a minor example. So, being prepared to have a massive fight about it (even putting the discussion of threats and harassment aside for the moment) is fairly pathetic.

Do you really find it hard to believe that these death threats are genuine? I don't mean to imply that they are genuine in the sense that they will be acted upon, but that's not actually necessary for them to be an attack, is it? In fact, depending on where you live, it often is not. It's not okay to tell people that you're going to kill them if you could carry out the threat, because of the real psychological impact that has. We don't want a society of fight or flight. Being able to relax once in a while is, in fact, one of the primary goals of civilization.

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