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Comment Re:Not for deaf/hard of hearing... (Score 1) 579

Piezos have a very narrow resonant frequency, so if you try to make a broadband white noise it's very inefficient (and I presume would mostly still be audible only at the resonant frequency).

Cheaper than speakers and easy to drive, so... like everything else I guess... 'good enough'.

FWIW the walk lights here are mostly high pitch, but more than a few feet away I only hear a sort of metronome clicking, as the high part gets lost in traffic. So they must have some low component as well. (or i'm half deaf up high, maybe...)

Comment Re:Resistance losses (Score 1) 104

PoE, the standards complying versions at least, 802.3af (IIRC), do run at 48V. As it is about the highest you can go with shit insulation and not be required to meet real safety standards, while at the same time battling I2R losses with get brutal on long runs with low voltages.

I agree though, unless a room only has one 20W lamp, CAT5 isn't the way to be powering it...

If we want to save copper, we should do what we do now. Wire houses with 220V, and switch down at the load.

Comment Re:Saskatchewan (Score 2) 158

But we are also permanently on DST, as it's more like 11 when the clock reads noon.

No way you slice it, days are too short in winter, too long in the summer. shifting one way or the other makes no difference. In winter it's dark when you get up and dark when you go home.

Comment Re:Awesome! (Score 1) 99

Have you even seen the last few releases?! I've used firefox since the beginning, and the last while has been a steady decline into a chrome clone.

I'd change browsers if there was something to change to... Everyone seems to want UX designer wetdream minimalism, fuck functionality.

Comment Re:It's Britain (Score 2) 104

Just as in WW2, they had laws illegalizing looking for radio transmissions by saying that it's illegal to capture transmissions NOT MEANT for you. And other such hamfisted means. They would have made Dick Cheney proud.

Whereas the US just cut the shortwave coils out of German immigrant's radios. The american broadcasts were ridiculously scripted as well.

A lot of stuff 'flew' during the war that people wouldn't normally stand for, like say, internment of 'enemies', food & fuel rations, etc.

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