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Comment How much (Score 1) 233

How much of the money from this sale does the governmnet get? After all we the people funded part of this company and thus the building. I don't care if the other creditors get their money. The people demand their money back. Like that will actually happen! /sarcasm

Comment Re:no one (Score 2) 50

Agreed. There simply isn't enough motivation for credit card executives to change their business practices. There needs to be an extra layer of security in place to mitigate damages from fraud. The executives that let this happen need to answer for it otherwise the system will never change. I could say the same about Wall Street bankers that lose billions of dollars in hedge funds. I'm not exactly crying for the clients mind you but this mess is getting out of control.

Comment Re:hang em all (Score 1, Troll) 104

Since the young people are usually the first to buck the system I'd suggest you organize a protest march....and smoke some doobies, have a sit in etc. Your baseless accusations regarding the old people starting wars are untrue but remember it's the young that always fight them so go cut your hair and get a job hippie. AND GET OFF MY LAWN.

Comment Re:What is wrong with you americans? (Score 1) 132

Actually the founding fathers had it right because they had to fight for their liberty. Now we only fight when the president declares war without approval from Congress. Fucking bush should have been impeached for that shit. All Clinton did was get a blow job and put his cigar where it didn't belong. Bush got several thousand people killed and they still hate us in the middle east.

Comment Re:What is wrong with you americans? (Score 1) 132

Seriously? What is wrong with you guys? How in the fuck did you even come up with a system where non related shit can be tacked on to a bill? Is it bullshit that got added on later or were your vaunted founding fathers slightly retarded?

We don't care that our government has been stripping away our rights and privacy for years because we are too concerned with stupid shit that happened on tv last night. I could go on but you all know the story.

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One possible reason that things aren't going according to plan is that there never was a plan in the first place.
