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Comment Re:Should the US government censor political blogs (Score 1) 308

So, just because the Warren Burger led supreme court went 5-3 (Justice Stevens did not take part) in Buckley vs Valeo in favor of this line of reasoning does not make it correct. It simply means that our Supreme court believed that it knew better than the majority of Congress, who felt strongly enough about limiting campaign money to override Gerald Fords veto.

Comment Re:Step 2. (Score 1) 218

Are you referring to this as the small pilot plant? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...

A 5 year operation is hardly unproven. It is well known that the light water reactor design was chosen for its ability to create fissile material for weapons. It was the perfect design for the cold war. We are no longer trying to beat the Russians on warhead count, so its probably time we revisit the design question. Thermal cycles make more sense than fast ones, liquid fuel makes more sense than pellet, breeder systems make more sense than non-breeder ones.

Comment How many of these per week are we doing, Slashdot? (Score 1) 379

Which region? What country? What development area? What language?

If you are an old coder wanting to get some job at some startup mobile app social networking company, sure...probably you don't fit the profile.

For everything else, I am sure age trumps youth, as people who run companies tend to look at the extra they are paying you as a good return on investment when delays can cost you millions, or clients, etc. Experience wins every time.

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