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Comment Re:Anti-math and anti-science ... (Score 1) 981

Calling for the extermination of the group that has already been calling for our own extermination for decades? Yeah, that's crazy talk.

I mean, Islam is a religion of peace. It's just a few bad eggs spoiling it for everybody else.

The West goes in and stirs up shit over there, everybody hates them. They don't, then this happens (ISIS). Or I suppose the argument can be made that this was actually caused by the shit-stirring, huh?

Comment Re:why are you volunteering information? (Score 1) 499

Sorry, I tried to continue our original argument and you decided to throw some demand for evidence in my face. Claiming objective humor is an extraordinary claim so I would expect you to provide extraordinary evidence.

I'm making no claim what his reasons were for posting it, but it seems pretty clear. The conclusion is right there -- within easy jumping distance. If it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck, and quacks like a duck, Occam's Razor demands that we consider that it might actually be an elephant.

Comment Re:why are you volunteering information? (Score 1) 499

Stating "funny jokes are funny" implies some objective metric of humor. I reject that premise.

We can say "he was just joking" all we want but when he goes and acts in a suspiciously similar mindset during his professional duties, the laughter stops. Or at least, it should.

Comment Re:Don't lie (Score 1) 499

Anything about yourself or your family life leaves you vulnerable to blackmail.

So basically, you have a family life at all. The first thing the bad guys on TV do these days is put a gun to the wife's or kid's head.

Whoops! No job for you. Either that, or you're willing to let your family die...does that make you a sociopath?

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It is not every question that deserves an answer. -- Publilius Syrus
