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Submission + - NeoOffice Charging for 3.2 Download ( 1

phmadore writes: "Well, I've donated to NeoOffice several times. I was grateful to remember about them after OpenOffice stopped working for awhile (don't know its current Mac OSX status). Anyway, I must have donated with a different e-mail last time, because they wouldn't let me get their latest version, 3.2, until I made a minimum ten dollar "donation." Seems like they're capitalizing on a murky part of the OSS license, to me. Now mind you, I made the donation because the software is well worth it, but I am troubled when I see things like this happening. Don't direct me to the source code if I don't have ten dollars — you're going against the very spirit of OSS, and I don't like it. Thoughts, /.?"

Submission + - New Bill makes Streaming a Felony ( 3

halfEvilTech writes: Two months ago, the Obama administration asked Congress to make illicit online streaming of copyrighted movies and TV shows a felony. Such a bill has now been introduced by two senators.

So now even streaming a Movie across the internet could be considered more severe than say a DUI. Not to mention what this would do in states with 3 strikes laws for felonies.


Submission + - Microsoft, Facebook could use Skype against Google (

fysdt writes: "Facebook may not have bought Skype, but the social networking company may still reap the benefits.

Earlier this week, Microsoft announced that it had reached a deal to buy Skype to buy the voice and video communications company for $8.5 billion in cash.

In a press conference Tuesday, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said the software maker will connect Skype to major Microsoft services, like the Outlook email client and its Xbox and Kinect gaming systems."


Denver Rejects UFO Agency To Track Aliens 80

Republicans weren't the only ones to win big yesterday. Aliens in The Mile-High City can breathe easier thanks to voters rejecting a plan to officially track them. From the article: "The proposal defeated soundly Tuesday night would have established a commission to track extraterrestrials. It also would have allowed residents to post their observations on Denver's city Web page and report sightings." Let the anonymous probings begin!

Woman Develops Peanut Allergy After Lung Transplant 146

An anonymous reader writes "A woman in need of a lung transplant got her new lungs from someone with a peanut allergy who died of anaphylactic shock. Seven months after the surgery, the woman was at an organ transplant support group when she ate a peanut butter cookie and had a violent allergic reaction. So how had the woman's new lungs brought along a peanut allergy? A blog post dives into the medical details and explains that immune cells in the donated lungs couldn't have lived in the new body for long enough to cause the reaction... however, if they encountered an allergen (i.e. something peanuty) shortly after being transplanted, they could have trained the woman's native immune cells to respond."

Sony Gets Nasty With PSBreak Buyers 246

YokimaSun writes "The war between hackers and Sony over the PlayStation 3 has now taken an even more sinister turn, with Sony going after not just shops but actual buyers of the PSBreak dongle, threatening them with fines of many thousands of Euros and forcing them to sign cease-and-desist letters. It seems Sony will use any means necessary to thwart both homebrew and piracy on the PS3."

Comment Re:In a word... (Score 1) 376

If you were willing to learn Morse code, you would have access to a small portion of the 40 meter band with an entry-level (technician) ticket

Since February 23, 2007, Morse code is not required. Technicians have CW privileges on 80, 40, 15 and 10 meters, and phone (SSB only) privileges on 10 meters.

73 de KN4DS

Comment Re:Islam question (Score 2, Informative) 1318

But it's pretty hard to find anything directly in Christian theology that suggests Christians are supposed to try to impose these standards on non-Christians.

Don't get out much, do you?

Check out every attempt to create state lotteries, every place where alcohol sales/consumption questions come up, etc., etc...

Anytime there is any suggestion of changing laws to permit something that Christians find "sinful," they will be out in full force attempting to defeat it. In other words, doing their damnedest to impose their standards on everyone.

They just don't, usually, blow themselves (and others) up over the issue.

It's not a new trend, either... seems I heard something about some Crusades that happened a while back.


Submission + - FCC to vote on reconsidering broadband regulations (

crimeandpunishment writes: Today the battle over broadband takes a big step forward. The Federal Communications Commission will vote to begin taking public comments on different paths toward regulating high-speed Internet connections. Those options include a proposal to define broadband access as a telecommunications service subject to "common carrier" obligations....a proposal that's pitting phone and cable companies versus the big Internet companies, and members of Congress versus each other. The process could end up tied up in court for years.

Submission + - Free phone apps to find free ATMs (

crimeandpunishment writes: You know those ATM fees you're stuck paying when you travel? Avoiding them can be as simple as picking up your cellphone. Several applications will steer you to the closest ATM that won't charge you a fee.

Journal Journal: Awful Driver: WA plate 342 WZT 1

Yes, that's you in , balding dark-haired driver with the silver Altima and serious look. Maybe you're serious because you are worried that you'll run over a pedestrian when you fail to stop at an all-way stop / pedestrian crossing, like the one at 15th and E. Aloha in Capitol Hill (Seattle), which you did about 3 minutes ago. (8:35 today, 15th June, 2010.)


Submission + - Predictions: Who's Next on the Acquisition Block? (

itwbennett writes: Just when it seemed like consolidation among the big data-center vendors had played itself out, we're off again at full tilt. Multiple trends are driving the latest acquisitions wave: The economy is recovering, customers are demanding systems that are easier to implement and vendors seem intent on collapsing the divide between servers, network and storage. So who's next on the block? Network World blogger Alan Shimel predicts IBM will Amazon Web Services; Robert Mullins says HP will buy Teradata; and InfoWorld's David Linthicum thinks Oracle will buy EMC.

Submission + - Share an Exchange Calendar with Anyone (

sesikora writes: Data in Exchange used to be locked away. With the rise of the iPhone, and the publication of the ActiveSync standard, it is not possible to free your calendar data and share it with anyone.

Tetris Clones Pulled From Android Market 396

sbrubblesman writes "The Tetris Company, LLC has notified Google to remove all Tetris clones from Android Market. I am one of the developers of FallingBlocks, a game with the same gameplay concepts as Tetris. I have received an email warning that my game was suspended from Android Market due to a violation of the Developer Content Policy. When I received the email, I already imagined that it had something to do with it being a Tetris clone, but besides having the same gameplay as Tetris, which I believe cannot be copyrighted, the game uses its own name, graphics and sounds. There's no reference to 'Tetris' in our game. I have emailed Google asking what is the reason for the application removal. Google promptly answered that The Tetris Company, LLC notified them under the DMCA (PDF) to remove various Tetris clones from Android Market. My app was removed together with 35 other Tetris clones. I checked online at various sources, and all of them say that there's no copyright on gameplay. There could be some sort of patent. But even if they had one, it would last 20 years, so it would have been over in 2005. It's a shame that The Tetris Company, LLC uses its power to stop developers from creating good and free games for Android users. Without resources for a legal fight, our application and many others will cease to exist, even knowing that they are legit. Users will be forced to buy the paid, official version, which is worse than many of the ones available for free on the market. Users from other countries, such as Brazil in my case, won't even be able to play the official Tetris, since Google Checkout doesn't exist in Brazil; you can't buy paid applications from Android Market in these countries."

Australian Women Fight Over "Geekgirl" Trademark 187

bennyboy64 writes "Two prominent women in the Australian IT industry are in a bitter dispute over the ownership of the trademark 'geekgirl.' A woman attempting to use 'geekgirl' on Twitter told ZDNet that women had been advised by the trademark owner to stop doing so since she owned the trademark for the word. 'She noted her trademark and asked me to stop calling myself a "geekgirl" in general conversation and to cease using the hashtag "#geekgirl" on Twitter,' IT consultant Kate Carruthers said."

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