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Comment Why Should I Care Anymore? (Score 1) 288

This isn't about equality, or fairness. If it was then the same people should be trying to fix the problem with the male dropout rate between their Associates and Bachelors degrees that's created a fairly wide education gap in women's favor. The drop out rate gap started in 1996, and there is plenty of data to look at to show how, and possibly why it became existent. But no, because Women fled CS faster in the 80's then men did we have to waist our time on an issue that's much harder to understand, and without understanding is much harder to address.

Comment Re:Amazing what the absence of govt really means (Score 1) 148

I'm pretty sure a bank could say that. It wouldn't be a bank much longer after that, and your new bank a-la the FDIC you'd at least have your insured money back. I don't believe anyone's had any significant loss of funds under the FDIC umbrella. Only a few days separated from your cash as they part out the failed bank.

Comment Minority Business Subsidies (Score 1) 271

I don't like this subject because it tends to give my crazy libertarian bosses arguments a point of validity. Every time a contract comes up to bid the Minority Business Subsidies are used as a sticking point to force the admins, one of which is my boss, to bid lower on a contract then they would really want, or subcontract out to qualify for the contract. How you'd even account for this in any psudo "study" like this one is beyond me. The data's not easily accessible, and most people don't want to expose the back end of their bidding process to avoid a competitor figuring out how to undercut them. Personally I'd try to look at revenue by source per employee since Government contracts tend to lean more to the Minority Business Subsidies side of the equation, but even then that's not going to expose the White Men who had to bid lower just to get the contract. Unless you accept this study as such evidence, but that's why I don't particularly like these psudo "studies". You can always twist them to whatever you want them to be.

Comment This doesn't sound... sound (Score 3, Insightful) 328

I don't really want to compare Yanis to a gambling murderer, but I am anyways. This sounds a bit too much like John Law getting appointed to fix the French Economy. That turned out great for everyone didn't it. Appointing someone to run your economy who's primary job in economics was to make a bunch of gambling addicts to improve steams revenue doesn't sound like the kind of person who should be fixing an economy. But who knows, maybe he'll do something good and be crowned a genius.

Comment Re:Can I Object to Both? (Score 1) 648

Clearly my English Language Compiler is based off of VB and auto corrected my syntax to rigid in my head. Hence the problem with "human" readable programming languages. We can be very vague, and still garner meaning from it. As if C weren't readable by humans. I swear I pass the Turing test, but someone thinks that just because I recognize logical blocks with braces, and understand case sensitivity that somehow I must be a machine to understand C. An example of a VB related problem is that they have a nasty habit of not ending lines with a semicolon. This is fine in VB, but languages like C, and java require them. It doesn't sound like too much of an issue, but it's easier to have the habit of ending your lines correctly in the beginning then to learn it after you've already learned to build competent programs. This make it so that a VB programmer will have a difficult time moving to OS level coding. The local college has this problem because they don't teach C to start, and the first time any of their CS majors see C is when they start down the OS path. They get confused because they've never seen pointers, or been forced to do even basic debugging of minor errors. Kinda explains whey they only had ONE CS graduate one year.

Comment Can I Object to Both? (Score 4, Insightful) 648

VB has always been a horrible place to start. Any programming language that doesn't have a ridged syntax structure like C is a bad place to start. It teaches sloppy habits, and makes it so you have to get rid of those habits if you want to move up into a more ridged language. C is an excellent place to start. Python is ok as a language, but makes the same sin as VB by trying to make things more "human" readable thus I believe it would have a similar effect. However, since my experience with this is limited to when VB as the idiots intro to programming I've never seen what happens when someone learns Python first. Again, C is an excellent place to start.

Comment Feature not Bug (Score 2) 393

The bugs, and people glossing over the basic info on homeless made them much more of a problem. Homeless only really became a problem with going up to the largest cities. Traffic would snarl resulting in people not getting enough work resulting in homeless. Homeless would build up in that scenario until traffic got under control. Getting rid of homeless was only an issue if you recklessly upgraded everything. Homeless need a level 1 business that needs workers to get out of becoming homeless. If you have too many people and not enough jobs these jobs will be filled by people with homes. I've yet to see a scenario where I changed the economy to level 1 businesses with a surplus of jobs that didn't slowly remove the homeless without going all Machiavellian. Though Machiavellian is a much faster route.

Comment Re:These people scare me (Score 4, Interesting) 319

Can you really call any code of ethics that permits this an actual code of ethics. Lets start with Informed Consent. You have to inform the entire world since it would be involving everyone and not just the one country you want to help. For example, just because we want to stop hurricanes from hitting Florida sounds good, up until you find out that it'll negatively affect the rain fall in another country like Mexico. So we have to inform everyone of the risks, and benefits. Then where do we draw the line at consent. Is it half the countries agree, or half the population. Is it at half, or is it at two thirds. I'd give the option for unanimous, but that's never happening. Then what if it will benefit 90% of the world, but really screw over one country?

Comment Bad Statistics (Score 1) 552

Only 5% of the excellent programmers are in the US if you assume that all the factors that contribute to excellent programmers are randomly distributed. It's a statistically fallacy. I wouldn't expect most of Africa to produce many excellent programmers due to the large uneducated population. I also wouldn't expect China, or India to produce a directly proportional ratio of excellent programmers ether due to the massive illiteracy rate in their populations. I also wouldn't expect Middle Eastern countries with massive uneducated female populations to be able to produce the same ratio to their populations. I would expect the US, Japan, South Korea, and Europe to produce most of the worlds 5% of assumed excellent programmers due to the higher rate of educated citizens. There are a lot of assumptions, and unless you know all the variables involved, or made the necessary measurements you could also assume that 90% of the worlds top programmers were born and raised the any random country you pick, including the USA.

Comment They're asking for documentation. (Score 1) 149

Sorry, but when has anyone in the field been "good" at documentation? I'd say the best "history" we got is probably just to pull all the comments off of the Linux code, or the dev groups, but that wouldn't be safe for work. If someone were to look at the comments in any major program you'd probably come to the conclusion that we're all mental patients, and criminals being hired out of some asylum. Best to leave the history as Lovelace, then Tuning, and then nothing, but Chaos.

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