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Comment Re:Not good for government credibility (Score 1) 144

Contrary of course to what the government says will never happen.

I doubt that any Government agency would say that. What they would say is something like the following;

"Information may be used inappropriately by a few bad actors. When that does happen we have safeguard to find them and we will prosecute them to the full extent of the law".

There will always be bad actors but the important part is what happens to the bad actors when found. In this case they get prosecuted and may go to jail.

Do you require every government agent to be perfect before any government agent can use a tool? Sorry but there will always be a few bad apples.

Comment Re:how about an autoland panic button? (Score 1) 385

If your pilot is already determined to crash the plane, an autoland malfunction won't make things any worse

It also won't make it any better if the pilot can override the "panic button" with manual controls.

So design it so it doesn't falsely go into panic mode.

Malfunction generally means functioning other that as designed. Designing to not malfunction is an oxymoron.

Comment Re:First time a Muslim packs one with explosives (Score 1) 162

That or the GP is just anti Islam, but given the current climate it may just be a convenient boogie man.

Sorry but as the saying goes "the nail that sticks out gets hammered". Bot ISIL and Boko Haram are real organizations who are doing very public, very evil things in the name of Muslims. They are not "boogie" men. You don't have to be anti-islam to pick them as the poster child for terrorism.

Comment Re:Ukraine? (Score 1) 228

Germany, on the other hand, was a small, massively industrial country between the size of the 4th and 5th largest US states (Montana and New Mexico) and smaller than Severo-Kavkazsky federalny okrug, the second smallest of the nine federal districts of Russia.

According to this the population of Montana in 1936 was about 554k. According to this Germany had a population of 65M and the US had a population of 122M. Germany was 117 times as big as Montana. Your numbers are a bit off. Russia had a population of 131M. If you are talking land area then you are looking at the wrong numbers. Land area is meaningless when calculating ability to wage war. By that logic Mongolia should be quite powerful but it is not. Population is the most important factor. Then there is the recent memory of WW1 and had a desire to avoid another war with Germany at all costs. No WW1 Allied Power in Europe wanted to lose another generation of young men so soon. Hitler gambled on the US not getting involved and he was almost right.

Putin may be trying to follow Hitler's path but the west isn't. You need to take the whole time frame into context not just isolated actions.

Comment Re:Maybe you should have read more than one senten (Score 1) 264

There is too much "victim" mentality in the world defined as the "I am a victim. Some bad person did something bad to me. There is nothing I could do. I am helpless". That mentality leads to inaction and depression. An alternate view is "Some bad person did something bad to me. What could I have done or could do in the future to not have that happen again. I can make a difference". The second view is much more uplifting and empowering than the first.
There is an old saying "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me". People need to take responsibility for dealing with things when shit happens.

if you're not particularly bright or possessed of self-awareness.

I am very self-aware. I am aware that I can only control myself and I need to deal with and protect myself from the bad stuff other people do.

Comment Re:Ukraine? (Score 1) 228

Just pointing out how the Sudetenland is different than Ukraine.

All kinds of noise was made about Hitler's early moves, it's just that other than noise, everyone sat.

The difference is that France and England activly tried to appease Hitler by giving him land. That is not happening in the Ukraine. No foreign power had done anything close to that.

Not saying there's much to conclude from that, but it's certainly a similar thing thus far.

Sorry but the situations are very different.

Comment Re:Maybe you should have read more than one senten (Score 1) 264

The barrier is a data plan or a data link that does not use cellular bandwidth. The only difference between Wikipedia Zero and the rest of the web is that you don't get charged data rates for Wikipedia Zero in some countries. India is not even one of those countries.

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