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Comment Re: What happened to "it just works"? (Score 1) 191

This is exactly why I hate the word "bloat". It means something different to every person who uses it. To many oldschool unix gurus any kind of GUI is bloat. To most people here, "bloat" just means "something I don't like and would remove". Rarely does it ever mean "unnecessary software that makes things slower". "Bloat" is little more than a geek buzzword to me now as a result.

Comment Re:What happened to "it just works"? (Score 1) 191

Only really a problem if you continue to drink Apple's koolaid. Many of us figured out long ago that Macs simply do not fit very well if you want a cost effective, practical solution for a variety of tasks. The proponents of Apple want you to believe that the company can't do any wrong. The people who think objectively about the company and its products know they can, and have.

Comment Anyone suggesting a labor shortage is delusional (Score 1) 295

We have a massive labor surplus and have for _decades_.

Hence the explosion in bullshit jobs in areas like HR, marketing and middle management, the massive worldwide bubble in education as people desperately try to make themselves more "employable" and the collapse in job security.

Comment Re:Safest space of all: Offline (Score 2) 200

The biggest problem has been and always will be that there's no way to tell signal from noise in an automated way that makes sense. Any system will be gamed or abused to push a personal agenda. Any forum that sees to much traffic becomes unusable as it drowns in a sea of voices. Those who post sooner have a greater chance of being heard than those who post later. Good ideas get lost if they're too far to the bottom because nobody's got time for that.

Even Slashdot is not immune to this. Forums universally suck because it's hard to have a discussion involving hundreds or even thousands of people without things getting lost.

Comment Re: What does this have to do with science? (Score 1) 685

I can agree with what you're saying to a point if it weren't for the fact that I have a very difficult time finding a truthful argument these activist groups. Maybe I'm just hearing the wrong groups. Perhaps you can point me in the direction of the people who have something truthful to say. They seem so incredibly resistant to any kind of opposing discussion sometimes to the point of violent or crude behavior. As for "leaning on a video", there are hundreds of these videos to lean on where supporters and sometimes leaders of these groups start behaving less like well reasoned people and more like animals - often more racist and/or misandric than those they take aim at.

As far as modern media is concerned, it has become acceptable for women to bash men without reason and for black people to spew racism against white people. It doesn't matter if you don't hate women and have never been racist - you had best start apologizing for their laundry list of issues because of your gender and skin color. These polarizing near-militant attitudes are generating a lot of hate and resentment, much of which is thankfully only pointed at the activists themselves. My fear is that eventually after enough bashing a large subset of people who were previously unfairly targeted will begin to lash out by becoming the very things they keep getting baselessly blamed for.

If you want real equality then you can't give preferred treatment to anyone. This means no diversity quotas, no handouts. Want to know how to stop getting shot by police? Stop committing crimes. Want to know how to get along better with men? Stop treating every single one you meet like the enemy. Want to know how to get in to the tech fields? Get and education. Start judging people as individuals instead of a borg hive mind that is linked by the color of their skin or what's between their legs.

These groups are not looking to become equal. They're already equal. They're looking to become superior and that needs to stop.

Comment Re:What does this have to do with science? (Score 1) 685

No, that's the truth. I wouldn't expect you to take my word for it though. Really examine the complaints made by the feminists and/or BLM members, and then follow the evidence. It's hard to find any kind of cohesive argument that doesn't fall apart the moment you begin to pragmatically check everything they're saying. These "movements" (really, they share more in common with cults) are harming society, and people like you are helping them to do it by not questioning anything.

Start a real conversation, go in to it willing to follow the evidence wherever it leads. Think for yourself for once instead of letting political radicals do it for you.

Comment Re:What does this have to do with science? (Score 1) 685

Justice implies someone has been wronged. In this case, nobody has been wronged. What we have here is a fabrication in order to achieve a protected status. Most of the vocal groups these days are just making shit up now to elevate themselves. Racism and sexism will never be completely gone, but they're also not pandemic like the proponents are claiming.

When you encounter racism or sexism combat it - but stop trying to make every single white male the enemy. If you continue to demonize everyone you'll cause the very thing you're trying to prevent.

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