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Comment Re:Free Speech vs. Vigilantism (Score 1) 210

My experience is that people who show up for a product or service (or pizza, whatever), get what they ordered and are content ... do NOT generally stop what they're doing to run off and tell the world, "My $10 pizza was satisfactory." Anybody who has ever worked retail (and paid attention) can tell you that a hundred happy customers will simply return for more business when they want, but not take time out to communicate to the business or to anyone else that they're happy customers. Life's too short, they just carry on. People who are truly dismayed about their experience, however, will take to every communication method they can dream up to make sure the world knows of their displeasure. And some of the people who do that are just plain nuts, or have very poor judgement, or are either hobby-level or professional trolls. That's who we all hear from, well out of proportion to the real-world experiences of most people. And the internet echo-chamber tends to greatly amplify that effect.

Comment Re:Holy buckets! (Score 2) 146

And guess what: if you search either for the politician or his son, the article is still found (first hit on the BBC site, in fact):
* https://www.google.com/search?...
* https://www.google.com/search?...

So neither the politician nor his son had the search results removed. Although if it had been removed when searching for the son's name, I would understand it. While politicians are public figures and cannot have such search results removed under the ruling (because there is a public interest in those results), I'm not sure the same holds for their family (it's not the son's choice that his father is a politician).

Comment Re:Luckily no one died (Score 2) 268

Millions of drone operators? I think that's a little generous.

What? People have been flying remote control hobby aircraft for well over half a century. And between companies like Blade and DJI alone, people are buying over 200,000 of the devices per month.

There's a always a risk a drone will fall out of the sky conk someone on the head.

Yup, and indeed there have been a handful of minor injuries along those lines. Statistically what amounts to zero, of course, compared to the number of people who are actually killed attending motor sports events as spectators, or while skiing, or while commuting to work... or while flying as actual licensed pilots in vehicles excrutiatingly regulated in their form, maintenance, and use by the federal government.

I think the best way to handle the drone situation is to requirement to carry a light and transmitter as well as obey automated instructions to avoid areas (basically a flight unit with a GPS can be set to have "no-go" areas).

Or, people could simply follow existing laws, and stay under 400', away from airports, and use a simple app on their phone to be made aware of FAA NOTAMs so they no when specific areas are off limits. And people who don't care about laws and rules? You're not going to be able to do anything about them (unless you can catch them after the fact of having done something stupid) than you are about people who illegally parachute off of tall buildings, or illegally drive their ATV off-road in parks, or operate their boats too fast in a no-wake zone.

Comment Re:Luckily no one died (Score 2, Insightful) 268

Drone owners are idiots.

Really? There are literally millions of them. Are all of them idiots? People driving cars have a wildly worse track record when it comes to deaths. For that matter, licensed media helicopter pilots have caused more deaths. and there are merely thousands of them, not millions. What's your point?

Comment Re:Two hours lost in fighting the fires (Score 1) 268

What's it going to take before these idiot drone operators come to their senses?

Yeah! And what's it going to take before these idiots who start the fires in the first place come to their senses! We should definitely regulate matches, hot catalytic converters, hibachis, and magnifying glasses. Oh, right, it's already against the law to start wildfires. Just like it's already against the law to interfere with firefighting operations. We don't need new regulations (since that won't stop idiots from being idiots anyway) - we need substantial penalties for being a jackass. Like we already have. Enforce the laws we've got, problem will be reduced as much as it can be.

Comment Re:Prime Scalia - "Words no longer having meaning" (Score 1) 591

The Bush/Gore case was, I think, the most legally flawed SCOTUS decision of the past 25 years.

Why? All they did was stop Gore from employing cherry-picking and capricious unequal-protection-under-the-law methods to spin a manual count his way, something a politicized Florida court was trying to help him do. Putting a stop to that is exactly the sort of thing the SC is supposed to do, because that sort of behavior at the state court level is counter-constitutional.

This current ruling is, you're right, deeply flawed. Because it's very clear that the language in question was deliberate, and that the one-party legislative action that rammed the law through didn't contemplate the prospect of a number of states standing up to them and refusing to play ball. As Gruber pointed out, the wording of the law was intentionally meant to strong-arm the states, to essentially extort their participation in the absurd manifestation of that legislative train wreck. This was an opportunity to trash it and start over with a law that wasn't based on lies, sold with lies, and which resulted in essentially the opposite of everything its con-artist cheerleaders promised.

Comment Re:Amazing and dreadful, simultaneously (Score 1) 381

Did you even read his post?

Yes, and I'm sticking with my point. If he's not offering something valuable enough that he can charge enough for his time to tolerate not being paid for a week here and there, then he needs to become more valuable, or find a customer that can afford him. Just as true for contractors as it is for traditional employees.

The market is broken because of a lack of supply

You've got this completely backwards. The market is working - it's establishing a value for the skills in question, and the GP isn't liking that value precisely because there's too much of a supply and not enough demand. He needs to go to someone who has demand, or go where it is, or offer something that's more in demand. If he does, he'll find the market works for him, just like it's supposed to.

inflexibility due to, you know, life and family

Still the market, working as expected. If he values those things more than he does bringing home more money, than he can't complain - he's the one establishing the priorities. Why should someone else make it their priority to match his goals, rather than their own? Especially when there is indeed a huge supply of people willing to do the same work, many of them who aren't putting other priorities first. It's a value analysis for everyone involved.

but reality isn't like that

It is if you want more money. If you value staying put for your kids' sake, then you've just made a value judgement, period. That's reality, working.

Comment Re:Well, not ALWAYS the case (Score 1) 381

He's never brought it up publicly, so I don't know.

Right - he's never brought it up or acted to change it, like he has so many other things that he has decided are important to him. So, you DO know exactly the story. He thinks it's just fine.

And ... presidents can't "change the law," just in case you're forgetting basic Civics 101.

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