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Comment Re: Really? (Score 1) 368

I'm not reallyd sure that I understand that point. To me, thst would sound reasonable for educstionsl Ãr entertainment purposes, but are there any other meaningful reasons for writing an entire OS in assembler?

Today, not that much apart from looking cool. Not a lot of programmers know assembly that well anymore so writing a non-trivial operating system completely with it is definitely something to put on the resume. It used to be necessary to use assembly get good performance, but since the late 80's and early 90's it's not really necessary anymore on personal computers.

Comment Re:Mozilla's made mistakes, but people exaggerate (Score 1) 240

There are free software implementations of those but that's not really the point. Claiming the Chrome is free software is simply incorrect even though it is based on free software. If people used Chromium that would be fine but the problem is that they don't. The only reason why some people use Chromium is because some GNU/Linux distributions package it for them. The vast majority of Chrome users don't even know that Chromium exists. If Google really cared about free software they should remove the non-free bits and make it just free software.

Comment Re:Excellent. (Score 1) 324

How many hosting providers can you name that will install arbitrary certificates and run HTTPS for you without additional charges? GoDaddy? (No) FatCow? (No) SiteGround? (No) HostGator? (No) BlueHost? (No) DreamHost? (No)

They will generally offer self-signed HTTPS for a backend interface (e.g. one without your domain name in it). All of them want you to pay a fee for the service of offering HTTPS on your own virtual domain (regardless of who signs your certificate).

I'm sure they will change their business model.

Comment Re:Excellent. (Score 2) 324

Not the same thing, wildcard helps in cases where multiple subdomains are being served by one server with only a single ip address. Since Let's Encrypt is currenly discussing wildcards, and its not looking good for them to actually support them, this would require servers to have an ip address per domain. If a server has more than 2 domains it is server, its COMPLETELY unreasonable.

It's not necessary to have an IP address per cert anymore since every browser has support for SNI nowadays.

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