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Submission + - Apple releases CUPS 2.0 (

kthreadd writes: 15 years after CUPS 1.0 was released Apple released version 2.0 of the printing system for GNU/Linux and other Unix-style operating systems. One of the major new features in 2.0 is that the test program for ippserver now passes the IPP Everywhere self-certification tests. Also, an interesting blog post looking back on the past and onto the future of printing. Since the first major release in 1999 printing has beome much more personal, printer drivers are going away and mobile usage is now the norm.

Comment Re:And systemd had nothing to do with it. (Score 2) 267

The problem imo is specifically that it's not just an init system. It's morphing into it's own thing that wants to take over all routine system behaviour, and the attitude of the devs is not encouraging (too lazy to find the link, but an oft quoted comment regarding log file corruption illustrates this quite well).

You say that as if it's a bad thing that stuff can be made to work well together if it's developed together.

Linux (at least in my opinion) is all about choice. Don't like the way something works, use something else or write your own. Systemd is becoming a huge chunk that can't easily be swapped out for something else. I'm really against that.

I have not tested but it looks like you can swap it out for something else on at least Debian:

And importance is relative. If you just want a functioning system, I agree that none of this is really that important and I'd probably just use ubuntu or mint or hell just windows or mac. I use gentoo specifically because I like my system "just so". Most people probably fall somewhere in between these points, with some past where they care about systemd and some not. I think this is perfectly healthy. If no one cared about init systems or boot loaders, no one would be developing them!


Comment Re:And systemd had nothing to do with it. (Score 1) 267

It's not text editor. Clearly it does not want to be everything. It's an init system, which in a modern system involves parts which used to be developed as separate projects, but since everyone uses them it's better to collect everything under one roof where it's easier to make things work well together.

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