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Comment Re:It's just moving your trust to someone else (Score 1) 83

You could always use several layers of encryption, written by different groups (e.g. a GPG'd file inside a Truecrypt container, stored on a Bitlocker volume inside a Windows virtual machine run on a Linux computer with encfs).

And it gets even better, because if you end up choosing the best shitty compromise that actually kind of works, you flag yourself for extra scrutiny because you are using an effective solution. FML.

This part I have no solution for. : (

Comment Re:its nothing new really. (Score 1) 823

It's when the RPMs shoot up momentarily between shifts because the transmission, for whatever reason, is not completing the shift quickly enough. Usually it can be traced down to either a pressure problem (as in the famous defective-by-design Ford 6F35 transmission) or a computer adaptation misstep (the adaptive algorithms have learned something bad).

Comment Re:Just give the option to turn it off... (Score 2) 823

However, the '70s and '80s with the purring V8s are gone, and the vehicles that will be the norm will either be hybrids, diesels, or electric cars.

I love the sound a VW small-car diesel engine makes, especially when it's got a modded exhaust. First of all, it sounds like your Beetle has delusions of being a big truck, which is just funny. Second, when you're accelerating quickly the turbo whine makes it sound like it has delusions of being a jet!

Comment Climate change is real (Score 1) 667

Yes, I said it. Climate change is real. Climate is always changing. It is unavoidable, especially in a system with so many variables. There is a well-established record of climate change present in the geological record going back hundreds of millions of years.

Things we do also affect the system. There, I said it. Human activity has an effect on climate. That only makes sense. When you do stuff to a complex system, that system changes. When you alter inputs, the outputs change.

What is at issue is the magnitude of change in output from the change in input caused by human activity. Unfortunately, rather than approach this curiosity with reasoned science, it has become a political hot-button issue, which means the facts will never, EVER be found. Period. I doubt we even have the capacity to accurately model a more or less chaotic system with millions of variables.

All of that having been said, there are attitudes on both sides that are just unfathomably stupid. From the leftists who want to kill everyone but themselves and go back to living in caves, to the right-wing wackos who want to burn all the fossil fuel they can "because freedom," they are all a bunch of fucking idiots.

The rules here are pretty simple. Stop wasting shit, and stop multiplying like rabbits. The Earth has finite resources, and can therefore support only a finite amount of consumption. When we reproduce irresponsibly and consume all that we can possible consume just because we can, we're going to hit that limit a lot sooner.

I really wish the environmentalists would take a more conservationist approach rather than a purely biased political one. I am all about conservation, but I despise environmentalism, just like I despise hyper-consumptionism.

And as a disclaimer, my contributions to the conservation of world resources are: not having children, biking to work, and not having an oversized house filled with shit China told me I needed.

Comment Re:Real question is: how much are humans changing (Score 2) 667

Climate change (global warming?) skeptics admit that humans are affecting climate, but the real question is "how much are humans changing it?".

No. The real question is "does climate change fuck us over?" If the answer is "yes" then we need to do something about it whether we caused it or not!

Comment Re:Yep it is a scam (Score 2) 667

We get two things:

1. Use of petroleum at a faster rate (economic gain in the short term, but more global warming and faster depletion of strategic reserves in the long term)

2. Probably a net reduction in oil spills, because not having the pipeline would only force the oil to be transported on trains, not stop it.

Comment Re:Wow... Just "no". (Score 1) 204

Your argument fails because it assumes that individuals and government are somehow equivalent. They are not. In fact, quite the opposite: the burden of proof lies always lies with the government precisely because it is a government, and not an individual!

People are always innocent until proven guilty.

Government is always guilty until proven innocent.

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