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Comment Re:Go old school (Score 2, Insightful) 1354

Very true.

When you like technology, you want to be able to share your passion/hobby with people.
And you go look for geek friends.

Yet, I have found that those who became my best friends are not geeks at all.
It's amazing to discover how many things you have in common with people who can barely start a computer.
Music, vodka, politics, whatever.
Even shopping with girls can actually be a lot of fun (exhausting though) if you just like those people.

You should train to talk to people you don't know at all in the streets and such.
Often it leads to real disasters but sometimes, you find people who are actually very happy to meet someone and chat for a while.

Might require some training but worth the effort.
Consider vodka or beer if you lack confidence.

Comment Re:That is your job. (Score 2, Insightful) 474

That was a good read. Thanks a lot.

I am at the point where I have to chose a working field and my studies give me a broad range of choices.

I love IT, have studied it both for my studies and on my free time. I never considered doing anything else ... until recently.
Like you've said, because I enjoy technology and love programming doesn't mean I *have* to work in IT.
More precisely, I don't feel like it's a field where I could stay a nice guy for too long.
And I don't want to become a BOFH (or similar).

Yet, chosing not to work in IT is a much difficult choice because it means finding another field in which I could enjoy my working life...

Reading your optimistic answer helped me. Thanks.

PS : Hope this post doesn't look too stupidly emo. ^^

Comment Re:SAD :( (Score 1) 177

"Mode me troll" or "bye, karma" seem to be the ultimate way to have mods react in the opposite manner ("poor guy thinks I'm too stupid to see how Insightful his post is"). ... Corallary being that this very post would be modded troll ... if I hadn't pointed it out ?

*head explodes*

Comment Re:Teachers wrong here (Score 1) 333

I thought I could share some of my personal experience here.

I am a student in a French school of engineering (pardon my english mistakes).
This year, we had a very basic Java course (~30 hours).
The lessons were based on a 150 pages document, written by the school's teachers over the years, that had turned into something quite bloated and useless ("open the document page 36, then read page 17").
Teachers couldn't point out what students would find hard to understand about OO programming, so the document was very precise on the more advanced points, but very raw on the basic principles (what a Class is).

I am part of my school's studies council and wanted to contribute to the school's pedagogy.
So I had a meeting with the teachers and proposed to rewrite the document.
Glad that a student would be willing to play an active role in his education (and thinking that would be less work for them), they accepted.

And I started working. ...
The current version of the document is a 36 pages LaTeX file.
It took me +100 hours to write it ... and I am still not satisfied with some points and illustrations.

Point is : writing a course is WAY more work than I had thought.
And a good assignment is not easy to write. Changing it each year would be a huge PITA.

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