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Comment Re:Flip Argument (Score 1) 1128

You're skipping the part where the cop initiated twice, backing his car up and engaging from the seated position, and then getting out of his car after he was clearly outmatched. He drew his gun in a fistfight before his life was threatened, then he initiated an armed pursuit after the fight was over. If you could see yourself following this sequence of actions you are either dumb or crazy, and without a badge you would get 20 years, Wilson would get on the stand and say what a danger to the community you are.

Comment Re:Perspective (Score 1) 338

the "I'm alright Jack, screw you" attitude of a *lot* of people - weirdly enough those who often really *aren't* alright,

You hear this line from many comfortable people, who being set for life, are eager to screw over everyone else with high taxes and regulations to make themselves feel even more superior. If you think you have too much sell your house and give the money to charity. Nah, your humanitarianism will look more like imposing a 25% VAT on toilet paper and doubling the price of gas for the good of the little people. Businesses cut back on hiring, can't afford anything extra in life after taxes to support government bureaucrats making 300% the average income, but thanks for the free healthcare, almost as good as they get in prison!

Comment Re:20-100 computers worth of cost. (Score 1) 698

More like the cost of a deputy assistant superintendent's secretary. You could require every school employee to be armed and trained as a condition of hiring, no different than jobs that require you to own a car. But actually the internet made these secondary schools obsolete years ago, the kids should be engaged in working and studying what they want, not being abused as pawns in a giant scam.

Comment Re:Dumb idea ... Lots of assumptions .... (Score 1) 698

People who can be demonstrated to be dangerous are already locked up. Claiming that someone is too mentally unfit to be trusted with basic rights while they are allowed to raise children, sign loans, operate heavy machinery etc., not to mention left to be wholly responsible for their own support and welfare, is insane. Of course it's becoming harder and harder to distinguish between the inside and the outside of asylums as the the general population is increasingly monitored, controlled, and subsidized.

Comment Re:It Remains a Journalism Scandal. Deal With It. (Score 1) 716

A woman stole Letterman's car and broke into his home repeatedly, that's what harassment of a public figure looks like, not an internet communication, 99.9% of which are meaningless. Of course he is a powerful man while girls can suffer fatal head injuries by fainting at the sight of a spider, but Brianna Wu is some kind of transsexual, and does not qualify for smelling salts.

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