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Comment Re:If you're not driving and not owning... (Score 1) 454

And the companies that will finance these fleets and deploy them really really really do not want them be considered as taxis which would bring them under (mostly) municipal taxi regimes.

You can bet that the taxi companies will be all for forcing all self driving cars to have a taxi medallion and a "driver" to ensure that it is safe for the passengers.

It is likely that Uber et al consider their current solution as a market maker to get them into this type of solution. Their app will work just as well for cars with or without drivers. And if cars without drivers are no longer taxis, so much the better from their perspective.

Comment Re:In a Self-Driving Future--- (Score 1) 454

There are still people who like to smoke in public and other people who would love to be able to drink and drive. Neither of those groups is terribly happy that they don't live in the fifties or sixties. Those of us who grew up in the fifties and sixties are happy that the fifties and sixties are over and that the smokers and drunk drivers are unhappy with life.

Comment Re:In a Self-Driving Future--- (Score 1) 454

People riding horses and bicycles don't usually kill too many people in traffic accidents.

People driving cars kill roughly 30,000 people a year in the US. As soon as a replacement shows up that can reduce that significantly there will be a huge push to implement it quickly. It will take about a for human drivers to get to same place as smokers and drunk drivers are today. Shunned and stigmatized because they make life dangerous and unpleasant for everybody else.

Comment Re:In a Self-Driving Future--- (Score 1) 454

And is more convenient. Book your UHaul on line and the truck drives itself to where you need it. You can fill it up and it will deliver its load to where it is needed (and you don't need to go with it.) Once unloaded it will deliver itself back to UHaul (or its next customer.)

So you save time. And in many instances day or multi day rentals can be reduced in length so can be cheaper. But UHaul probably can keep the vehicle rented out more often so still get more revenue per vehicle.

Comment Re:In a Self-Driving Future--- (Score 1) 454

Cheap and ubiquitous Self Driving Cars means that there can be (unlike medallioned taxis that are limited to ensure cash flow for the owners and drivers) as many as needed. You leave for work at 8:00 so you have a standing order, and the car arrives at your front doorstep at 7:55. It drops you off at work and then drives itself to some other customer.

If you really want to own your own, you can even have it parked somewhere else at night (where it can recharge, get serviced, cleaned etc) and have IT arrive at 7:55 to pick you up and drop you at the front door where you work. Then drive to the closest cheap parking and self park itself. Or maybe drive home and take the kids to school first.

Comment Re:Alternative? (Score 1) 377

Yes, but.... with all the "greenies" also trying to force the food chains into dropping GMO at the same time... it looks like GMO labelling is just a way to make the green agenda that much easier to accomplish.

First we scare people into fearing GMO. Then we force the food to be labelled GMO so that people "will have a choice".

Some choice. Personally I would just buy anything labelled GMO. But I fear that I won't have the choice because the food retailers will have dropped those because of lobbying from the greens.

Comment Thrill seekers (Score 1) 594

Its no different than any other dangerous sport.

The death rate for first time climbers on Mount Everest is something like 5-10% (lower now, used to be higher.) People going a second time have a better survival rate but the percentages are still single digits for deaths. And paid guides (Sherpas) get killed every year.

By comparison to adventure space flight, adventure mountain climbing is just a bit cheaper. Do we condemn one and not the other?

How about base jumping? Or even sky diving? A small, but consistent number of planes crash delivering people to the jump point. So adventure sky diving? Do we condemn it as well?

Pretty much any sport we engage in has its dangerous elements and people die all the time (albeit slightly less spectacularly!)

Comment Can you be compelled to disclose which finger? (Score 1) 328

You cannot withhold your finger print.

You can withhold something which is in your mind. E.g. a pin.

Since only one (or two?) of your fingers unlock your phone. Your knowledge of the finger print possibly qualifies as secret knowledge. And multiple attempts will ultimately prevent use of finger prints.

The police would not (I think) be able to force you to disclose. They would be free to instruct you to use a specific finger and hope that it unlocks. But if it fails I don't think they would have any recourse.

So don't use your thumbs or index fingers. Which would be their starting point.

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