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Comment Re:Any Memory?? what judge will go on just that? (Score 5, Funny) 415

Since the dog can't smell memory, it must have been trained to smell something about the electronic components. That's bound to trigger a LOT of false positives in the modern world.

This might be a fun thing to do. Get a lot of old flash drives, sd cards, and the like, the old super cheap ones of course, and stick them everywhere. Under the carpet, taped to the bottom of the drawers, in the hem of the curtain, etc. After 30 or 40 of them, somebody is going to get sick of playing that game, and it might be the dog, If you're really mean, store a picture of a treasure map on each one, and maybe some lists of random hexadecimal numbers.

It'll drive them nuts. To really get the point across when they ask, just tell them the truth, that it's a joke, there's absolutely nothing of value stored on them, and yes, you want them back and undamaged. :P

Comment Re:Another child making unsupported claims (Score 0) 203

Sorry to hear you have such a fragile ego.
Too bad you would rather do some rather unhealthy mental things than apply a little skepticism towards some unsubstantiated and extraordinary claims.
Do you always have these psychological breaks when someone questions the hype-engine?
I guess the various summer guaranteed blockbuster movies tend to be a great source of unanticipated despair for you.

It boils down to this. Somebody with relatively little experience and training in a particular field has just claim he can outdo the activities of numerous others in the field, including full blown corporations, by an industry shocking factor of 10, and yet has shown no substantiated proof of this amazing deed, and yet some people want to lambaste the skeptics for demanding proof before cowtowing to the new supposed paradigm of 3d printing.
This is a case where his age is an obvious and extremely blatant indication of his unavoidably limited experience and training, which doesn't preclude him from having done exactly what he claims, but without the necessary proof to back it up, it's just more hype and not substantiation. Had this been a 34 year old landscaper that had been messing with tech for the last 8 years, and got into experimenting with 3d printing in the last 3, would you still be hailing these wild claims as the word of god and attacking those that want proof, or would you have instead be heckling the upstart that dared to claim he's better than everyone else in that field?

Somebody is being pretty arrogant and foolish, and it's not the skeptics.

Now it is possible the kid has found something that everyone else missed, it happens all the time in innovation, but don't put money on it until there's proof since most of those types of claims are at best huge exaggerations, and sometimes even outright lies.

Comment Re:why? (Score 3, Insightful) 346

Can, Should, and Will Only Due So With A Valid Court Order are very different things.

Sure they can, but how do you think every user of Google products will think if any company out there can say, "oops, didn't mean to send that, google, go fix my screw up and delete that from peoples inboxs."?

Should they do it? Maybe, but again, at this point we only have Goldman Sachs word that they 'should'. Maybe their entire story was fabricated and it was proof sent out by a whistleblower. Maybe it wasn't sent by a whistleblower, but it is proof of illegal activity that should be turned over to the appropriate legal or regulatory agency. We only have the companies word for it, and do companies ever lie about stuff like that?

So Google is going with "Will only due so with a valid court order" on this. Good choice. You won't piss off the customers because a court made you do it, and you won't get yourself in legal trouble because a court made you do it. Yep, this is the right choice if they have any functioning brain cells at all.

There's also a fourth option of just plain refuse. Claim the mail system is sacrosanct and it won't be messed with. Of course there are two big problems with this. First is almost nobody will believe you. Second is you are then looking at a big as legal battle you probably won't win because you are not the federal government. That's why I didn't list this one in the beginning, though I did mention it at the end to avoid having a million responses pointing this one out.

That's my say, disagree or whatever ;)

Comment Re:why? (Score 2) 346

Good point. What if it's proof of illegal activity. The account holder should forward it to the police, several different news outlets, and wikileaks just in case. ;P

And then do it again using something other than Gmail just in case they put up a filter to prevent that.

As far as I'm concerned, Goldman Sachs totally screwed up by sending confidential information to a member of the public in the first place. Their error is not sufficient reason for Google to panic or violate the trust of their entire user base just to fix someone elses stupidity.

Comment Re:So much for that idea... (Score 2) 404

If you have a parking space for renting there, I'm pretty sure that would be illegal. Same if they decided to rent your bedroom to a tourist as a B&B. Your rental agreement provided you with your place (I'm guessing an apartment) and a parking spot. The landlord is not able to then legally rent out to someone else what you are already renting.
ianal, but damn, there are some things that are pretty bloody obvious and well documented to even the public.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 371

It's probably a screw up.
I'm betting they intended to black out everything except a couple of random articles, both definite and indefinite (like the, an, a), but the magic marker ran dry and while that person was looking for a new one in the office supply cabinet, the messenger came by and picked it up with the other requested, but already censored to uselessness documents.

Comment Re:Space Elevator? (Score 5, Informative) 60

No, not really.
It's got a great strength to weight ratio, but it might be better to say they reduced the effective weight while retaining most of the strength of the material.
The stuff needed for the cable of a tethered satellite needs a lot more than just a great weight to strength ratio, it needs a certain level of strength and resilience.

Look at it this way, if you had a steel component that weighed 1,000lbs and could hold up 20,000lbs and you replaced it with this type of similar to aerogel lattice type steel component, you are looking at a tiny weight (probably) less than 3 lbs, and it could still hold up around 20,000lbs. Of course, if the project needed a component that size that was able to hold up 50,000lbs, neither one would be feasible.
Some people might suggest that you could just make it bigger, but that's often not a feasible idea, even if it is lighter than the usual materials. For one example is why skyscrapers are not made of brick. It doesn't matter how wide your walls of brick would be, after a certain point, the weight of the bricks would crush the lower ones, and then the whole building collapses. The steel reinforced concrete we use can sustain much larger loads, and so is used for tall and heavy projects instead of bricks. Of course tethered satellite has to withstand much greater stresses, whether it's crushing down, pulling up, or swaying to the side. That's why super light but otherwise more conventional materials won't work.

Comment Re:Why not patent compression algorithm? (Score 1) 263

It was decided when they set up the patent systems that since math is universal, no mathematical formulas or algorithms could be patented. No owning 2+2=4 or the far more complex mathematical proof of it either. Math and all it's variations belong to everyone, even if you don't understand it.

Patenting math was considered as ill advised as letting some lout wander into the forest, pick up a pretty leaf, and then patent leaves.
It still is, but some lawyers are really good at obfuscating what they are actually requesting patents for, so watch out for that patent troll sending you a bill for your vegetative violations of his lawful patents.

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