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Comment Re:Reasons why I don't like Musk's hyper loop (Score 1) 124

Of course you can, but due to the volume of the tube that has to be filled, it's going to take a lot of time, unless you want a hollywood style idiot caused disaster.
Now if you can seal off discrete sections of the tube, you can reduce that volume, but those kinds of emergency seals will be expensive mechanisms to install, so don't expect there to be very many of them, so you are probably still dealing with a LOT of volume, just not an absurd volume.
Now it would probably be a lot safer and faster to use frequent emergency access ports that can lock onto a pod and airlock open just like at the stations, but that assumes you can get the pod to such a point rapidly.

All in all, it's a neat idea, just like it was when they published it way back in the 40s. (I forget whether it was popular mechanics, or popular science.) But it still has plenty of issues, and dealing with emergency situations isn't even the first in line. (Like how do you make a full sized track at a length of a hundred miles or more that is torn apart or otherwise caused to leak unacceptably due to geological movement, not just from quakes, but also from thermal expansion and even the sun tide. Half a meter every day in some places isn't something for an engineer to sneeze at, especially when they want to try and maintain a near vacuum in a giant metal noodle in those conditions. )

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 260

Only in the aspect that you have a whole lot LESS applicants to interview.
On the other hand, there are a LOT of far more capable programmers out there that are excluded because they haven't wasted time learning your internal language that's pretty much only applicable if you already work for them.

In other news, NASA has developed a new language this year to make communicating with Martians easier. If you'd like to submit an application, please be aware that they require fluency in their new language along with 6 years usage with actual Martians. :P

Comment This guy has unrealistic expectations (Score 4, Insightful) 203

"Some of the mice have lived as long as a day after the operations according to Ren and he hopes to have similar success with primates."
Really? He'd better get survival rates down to something close to normal lifespans before he moves up to primates or he's an idiot.
I wonder if he's even bothered to look at the old Soviet attempts at this. With that short "survival" duration, I highly doubt it.

Comment Don't forget (Score 1) 510

There was a particular well known mobster that they could only nail for tax evasion. When they want to get you, they often find a way.
The big question is if the charges they are trying to prosecute on are prosecutable charges. If so, that's what they are trying to convict him of, even if they'd love to be able to add the other charges that they haven't added because they don't meet the requirements to charge him for.

I've heard there are places where it is illegal to pay blackmail. It's a kind of disincentive to get people to not cooperate with blackmailers. When the criminals know their money making crimes will most likely not make them anything, they are far more reticent in doing those crimes. On the other hand, you pay those low lifes, they'll often just keep doing it over and over. Just look at Mexicos revolving door kidnapping economy. It's so common, companies have funds set aside to pay for it.

Comment Re:just a though (Score 1) 56

"Jet" can be, and has been, applied to a lot of technologies, but there's no way that NASA could even try to develop it on their budget. So far we haven't even gotten a manned mission to Mars, so one to Alpha Centauri, or any other star system, is pretty much a moot point.
For now it's just science fiction until somebody will lay apply the necessary resources.

Comment Re:Ingredients for this thread ... (Score 4, Insightful) 743

Anything that's likely to take down the entire EU if not handled just right will seriously impact the livelyhood of a large number of us.
Maybe it's just to piss of people who keep asking why various articles are on Slashdot.
If you aren't interested in the subject, don't bother clicking on the link.

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