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Comment No, no it's not. (Score 2, Interesting) 379

First of all, it's "climate change" now and not "global warming"... some spots are having much cooler temperatures instead.

Secondly, droughts happen. The history of California is the history of water politics mainly because most of SoCal is a semi-arid desert. San Diego in particular has a giant desert separating us from the rest of the country -- even LA.

Thirdly, unless you've just moved to San Diego, you're quite aware of the 2003 and 2007 fires. These were (also) not the result of global warming.

Fourthly, there's good reason to believe that at least some of the ones this week were started by (d-bag) arsonists.

It's over-broad statements like this from "scientists" that give credence to the assertion that climate scientists are thinking with the social policy side of their brains instead of the factual side. /signed
Native San Diegan; MRC/former CERT member; non-scientist.

Comment Re:systemd Architecture (Score 1) 641

There does seem to be an aggressive, emotionally manipulative campaign by Red Hat to get it into every major distribution and that seems to unfortunately have succeeded.

It seems like there are quite a few *within* Red Hat that aren't all that pleased with the way things have been progressing, hence the "hey, let's give a voice to sysadmins in the direction of Fedora as well!" initiative.

Systemd has the ability to do pretty neat things, but so do lots of other init systems and process controllers. The only thing that feels really head-and-shoulders above whatever else was available was cgroup integration for services. Is that worth all of the other breakage, the DJB-level asinine-ness of the developers, and the lack of flexibility caused by removing shell scripts from the boot process? Doesn't feel like it.

Comment Re:what's the load you are moving? (Score 1) 119

If the load you are moving to the cloud doesn't keep a system busy then renting may be a better option -- empty machines are expensive.

Well, maybe. Physical space is obviously a fixed cost unless you feel like building a Japanese Car Park-style for moving Dell systems around, but you'd be surprised how well modern systems can be power efficient when they're told to.

The basics of suspending HW, using c-states, reducing CPU speed, etc, can take out a significant chunk of your power (and cooling, if applicable) cost. If you're virtualizing (even just Xen/VMWare), there are even more savings to be had.

You'd be surprised how many people hard code power settings to "Max Performance" at initial boot time and never go back to evaluate whether that's always really needed.

Comment Re:Im all for human rights... (Score 1, Insightful) 1482

Religious belief is one thing, forcing that belief upon other by supporting (or not) a policy change that would ostracize a non trivial part of the population is another.

... You mean that self-evidently hellacious period known as 2007? (a/k/a the "status quo" at the time the proposition was written and submitted)

Comment Re:The USA isn't synonymous with efficiency (Score 5, Insightful) 279

The difference is that "AllahIsFalse" is political/opinion speech, while "MegaUpload" is engaging in commerce and/or barely free speech.

Yes, Free Speech is Free Speech.... but political speech -- ie, "meta speech" -- is more deserving and in more need of free speech protections than your torrents are.

Comment Re:ICANN is a convention (Score 1) 279

What is the chance of Microsoft, Google, and Apple getting together and agreeing on anything?

Well, they agreed that Obama needed an attempted ear-full from them about the NSA spying...

Senior executives from AT&T, Yahoo, Apple, Netflix, Twitter, Google, Microsoft and Facebook were among those in attendance.

“We appreciated the opportunity to share directly with the President our principles on government surveillance that we released last week and we urged him to move aggressively on reform,” the technology firms said in a joint statement after the meeting.


Comment Disney did it. (Score 1) 53

A looooong time ago:

Circle-Vision 360 is a film technique, refined by The Walt Disney Company, that uses nine cameras for nine huge screens arranged in a circle. The cameras are usually mounted on top of an automobile for scenes through cities and highways, while films such as The Timekeeper use a static camera and many CGI effects. The first film was America the Beautiful (1955 version) in the Circarama theater, which would eventually become Circle-Vision theater in 1967.

Comment Needs a recording LED, like everything else (Score 4, Insightful) 341

Google needs to put in a hard-wired LED that's on when recording. Yes, you'll look like a Borg when you're recording, but that's a small price to pay for others' comfort.

Can people still obscure it? Yes... but if I see someone walking around with a Google Glass *and* a bit of black electrical tape over the front, I know I'm dealing with a complete d-bag and can treat them accordingly.

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