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Comment Re:One word: (Score 1) 352

Aren't you supposed to earn awards before you receive them?

When the Nobel Peace Prize Committee consulted with their time-traveling division, they were told: OK, this guy is going to start a bunch of wars, which will be embarrassing at first. But he'll also finally put us on a path toward space colonization, which will forever change the face of war -- not only will it change the "us vs them" dynamic, but it will also make offensive wars prohibitively costly compared to defensive. Yup, give him the prize.

Comment Re:One word: (Score 1) 352

To qualify my comment, this is probably the only way he has left, to actually earn that Nobel Peace Prize. Set aside a few piles of money for research, and for engineering/manufacturing, related to colonization. Inspire the public -- make space colonization the top priority even above those scary terr'ists, and above bombing the Middle East (again), even above the economy. It would be a far more popular way to spend our money than on yet another unpopular war.

Comment The one area where patents have reasonable terms (Score 2) 132

As I understand it, pharmaceuticals are the one area where the duration of patents is about right to offset the massive delays and costs of development (due to more stringent testing requirements than the average product). On the other hand, it also means people die because they can't afford the patented medication. Quite the conundrum.

Comment Re:Let me get this right (Score 1) 839

This idea seems about as brilliant as treating ebola with the "kiss it to make it better" system. The problem: wealth inequality. The solution: tax consumption (which will affect the poor and middle class who spend more of their income on consumption). Meanwhile it will not affect the rich people's major form of income: investment.

Comment Ebola Prince (Score 1) 381


I am an Ebola prince. I have a sum of FIVE BILLION YOUR CELLS (5,000,000.00 cells) in a bank account in Dallas, Texas. I need your help to repatriate it. If you could just lend me access to ONE CELL (1.00 cell) it would facilitate the transfer of control.

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