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Comment DANGER!!!!! (Score 1) 15

I can think of only four reports of Illinois State Police dying on the job since I came back to Illinois in 1986, and all of them were automobile accidents. Not one died by gunfire.

Send the witless moron who spoke of the danger of being a cop a list of the most dangerous jobs, they're all over the internet. "Cop" ain't on any of them. The guy making ten bucks an hour roofing faces far more danger every day. And you're more likely to be shot at work because you're a minimum wage convenience store clerk than a cop.

Now, Fire/rescue, their jobs are far more dangerous than a cop's and a hell of a lot more of them are injured or killed on the job than cops. Those guys risk their lives to save lives, cops face little risk and most are too cowardly to take any risk at all to save a citizen's life. Hell, look at that thing in California this summer when the cops killed the bank robbers and the crook's human shields as well.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Forgetful Internet 3

Since I can't do anything about the new book until the printed copy arrives this coming week I decided to work on a couple I've been thinking about.

One is a yet untitled tome that will be a compilation of short science fiction stories. Since I only have five so far, this one will be a while.

Comment Re:.. and this is new ? (Score 1) 83

My reaction was "well DUH!" as well. This is simply scientific confirmation of the obvious. Now, had the study stated that curiosity had no effect on learning, that would have been a startling finding.

But that's how science works; something that is blindingly obvious is often disproven. In this case it wasn't.

Comment Re:Suggestions (Score 1) 12

I really don't see the 18th century guy recognizing an automobile as being a carriage. A smart phone, with its lit screen and moving pictures and everything would be completely alien to him.

I think "gaol" would have been more common in Europe than the US, and in fact Webster's says "chiefly British variant of jail, jailer". The story takes place in Southern Illinois about 30 miles from St. Louis (on the campus I attended).

Comment Re:John Cramer (Score 1) 12

No, I haven't, thanks! I'll have to see if the city library carries them, I need to go there to make sure they didn't put Nobots in the juvenile section anyway.

My budget is kind of cramped right now, I have a huge dental bill to pay off.

Comment Saw that this morning (Score 1) 8

I guess the 1%ers still think that absolutely none of the rules don't apply to them, and that banks should continue to make risky loans to them, just because of who they are.

From where I sit in the middle of the bell curve it looks to me like the rules actually DON'T apply to the 1%. And maybe it's possible, but how could a loan to someone that rich be the least bit risky?

User Journal

Journal Journal: I love you folks! 1

I got an email this morning from a fellow who wanted a link to buy a printed copy of Mars, Ho! In it, he said he wanted to buy copies as gifts, so now I'm chomping at the bit even more wanting to get it out -- CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!

Comment Re:GOD DAMNED SLASHDOT!! (Score 1) 12

But then the original document won't have them. Dice should be deeply embarrassed that their "nerd site" is so deeply flawed. Soylent News isn't even a year old yet, used slashdot's code and have fixed the smart quotes, something we've been screaming at slashdot about for years.

Comment GOD DAMNED SLASHDOT!! (Score 1) 12

The fucking thing looked fine in preview. Why in the HELL does it look fine when you preview it and then look like shit when posted?

This is really amateurish, slashdot. FIX YOUR GOD DAMNED CODE!

My apologies to fans, there's an unfucked version here, where preview actually matches what it looks like when you post it.

Get your act together, slashdot, and fix this ugly fucking mess. This should be an embarrassment to you, but I guess Dice is unable to express that emotion.

The next mcgrew journal will simply contain a link to a site that is less retarded. Yes, slashdot, I'm pissed off. FIX YOUR BROKEN CODE or I'm gone!!!!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Time flies like an error 12

The breakthrough was not in physics itself, but in mathematics. The new insights led physicists to see physics in a new light, and it wasn't long before they were experimenting with the equations, which seemed to indicate that it might be possible to instantly transport an object to anywhere in the universe.
It was a quarter century before a machine using the new understandings that actually did anything at all had any result, and the result was completely

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The test of intelligent tinkering is to save all the parts. -- Aldo Leopold
