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Comment Re:Yeah, you can totally trust your data... (Score 1) 335

In reality, Google only offers 99.9% per month (99% for "reduced availability", I'm not sure what these prices are for) and the value of the guarantee is pathetic: they credit (not even refund) you a maximum of half your bill that month if availability is =95%. They could be down a full day and only knock 25% of you bill next month. That can barely be considered an SLA.

In my experience that is even better than most SLAs I've seen. Standard is to prorate the month and reduce that month's bill or add a credit to the next for the amount down so if you are paying $1000 monthly and you are down a day you get $33.40 back (assuming 30 days in the month).

Comment Preliminary injunction (Score 1) 211

I guess it would take a litigator to notice this, but it's quite unusual that a preliminary injunction denial would be getting this kind of appellate attention.

In the first place, it was unusual for an interlocutory appeal to be granted from the denial of the preliminary injunction motion. In federal court usually you can only appeal from a final judgment.

Similarly, apart from the fact that it's always rare for a certiorari petition to be granted, it's especially tough where the appeal is not from a final judgment, but just from a preliminary injunction denial which does not dispose of the whole case.

Comment Re:Yes it is rascist, and a little sexist (Score 1) 612

I have a friend who I met during my junior year in high school and her junior year of college. She was a EE and chemistry major. She ended up doing microprocessor optimization code, and was definitely female. She was working on her masters in physical electronics while married.
  I didn't see her in these courses to get a husband.

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