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Comment Re:What on earth (Score 5, Informative) 234

I think they are trying to be clever and play on the term China Syndrome, where the fuel melts all the way through the earth to it's Antipodal point.

But since this is Japan, the author speculates that the antipodal point is somewhere in Uruguay, which it is not (it's kinda close though).
You can check here: Antipodal Map

Comment Re:My few cents... (Score 1) 144

I agree.

Our organization relies heavily on RT.

At first, I hated it. It's ugly, and written in Perl but have grown to really respect it's capabilities.
It's easy enough for the managers to poke around in and do basic administration, but flexible enough for the engineers to code custom plugins and scripts to extend functionality.

There is a large community and tons of documentation.

Comment Re:Why (Score 1) 193

So because of the reasons you listed, there should be no competition?
Can we leave it to the consumer to decide which service they want, and what risks they are willing to take?
Can we leave it to the worker to decide which company they want to work for (taxi vs Uber, vs another line of work).?

I am just wondering who this is hurting by allowing competition, and by what criteria we/society decide that trade cannot happen between two consenting adults.

Comment Re:I wonder why... (Score 1) 193

I wonder what the "people" say.
I'm not really interested in what the taxi companies, unions or politicians have to say.

If this is a detriment in some way to the general public, by all means get rid of it; I have yet to see a single anti-Uber post on here demonstrating how Uber is a bad thing.

If in fact it is bad for the consumer, or general public, why does the demand for the service keep the service running?

Comment Re:The worst part is the polished turd that is Ube (Score 1) 193

Correct me if I'm wrong but nobody is forcing people to use Uber right?
And the Uber drivers are getting compensated fairy? (otherwise I would assume they would find employment elsewhere).

Simple supply and demand. When the demand gets high enough usually the laws change.

Just because something is Law by no means makes it just, right, or logical.

Comment Unforeseen consequences (Score 2) 87

In the eyes of management and the bean counters, you are nothing more than a resource. You are a meat robot getting paid X to do 100% of Y. Simple.

In reality you happen to be a human that eats, poops, get's sick, has feelings, family etc and realize that nobody is 100% effect.

Labor will start to comply and do the best they can to track their time; however shortly after this management get's upset and chastises labor for only getting 75-80% of time tracked.

Shortly after the berating labor miraculously manages to track 100% of their time. The formula for labor becomes 8/Tasks = Time per task.

Management becomes happy.

(This scenario has been realized at every position I've been at in the last 10 years). ... I wonder what the management and the bean counters think when their overlords ask for the same thing?

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