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Comment Re:Well I guess it's a good thing... (Score 1) 203

if the advert sites go away for want of revenue, so what?

I think a lot of people that use stuff like Facebook etc will be bummed, but will move onto a pay-to-play service.

that goes against all of our principals. And we will pony up the dough to run it ourselves, no contributions asked, expected or accepted.

Sounds very altruistic, great. So where did the dough to run it come from? Evil corporation or magical fairies?

I run completely free services like this too, right out of my pocket, with zero profit; the money to pay for bandwidth and hosting comes from my day job: a corporation.

Comment Re:Well I guess it's a good thing... (Score 1) 203

I merely asked a question. I wasn't advocating for the behaviour of the adware companies, blocking or not blocking.

I was simply trying to point out the sense of entitlement that seems to be pervasive.

Everyone seems to jump on the "f*ck the evil corporate profit monger" bandwagon, but no one ever seems to think about who's going to keep the lights on.

Like that blog site? Guess what?
That guy blogging needs to eat, pay his rent and provide for his family. How is he going to pay for that: with high ideals? I think not.

Ok, too small.
Fox News, CNN, take your pick. Some big news site.
Those evil f*ckers are spamming you with ads and malware.
Guess what? There's some guy working as a blogger/sysadmin/toilet cleaner/take your pick that needs to provide for his family.

See where this is going?

Again, I'm not advocating for, or against. Just pointing out that we need to put things in perspective.

Comment Re:Well I guess it's a good thing... (Score 1) 203

They don't owe me a damned thing, and I don't owe them anything -- but until they find a technology solution to stop me, too damned bad.

This is exactly the entitlement mentality that puts said evil corporation in an arm's race to beat your technology and become more intrusive in the first place.

They feel entitled to make a profit by any means necessary, while you feel entitled to their content or service by any means necessary.

So you go ahead and be a well behaved little consumer, me, I'll continue to not give a crap about the revenue of large corporations.

The point is obviously lost on you. No one is advocating that; I was, and still am pointing out that everything comes at a cost. You can't have it both ways.

Comment Re:Well I guess it's a good thing... (Score 1) 203

I will allow a site which serves its own advertising to show ads as long as they're not overly intrusive. But doubleclick, discus, scrorecard reasearch, quantcast, facebook, twitter -- and literally hundreds of other shit sites I have no interest in, well -- that's not my problem.

Unfortunately they are the only ones that probably pay well enough to generate profit. I know, profit is evil. But yeah, it will kind of be your problem when the "free" content or service you get used to using is no longer available.
This is what makes subscription services great (no ads) but then everyone complains about the prices of the subscription, again evil corporate profit.

But let's not act like I owe you something. And let's certainly not act like just because you collect your money from a bunch of shady assholes that I owe them anything.

Clearly. The operating entity of the site owes you their content.

Personally, I'll take the good with the bad as not every situation is so black and white and weigh in the "real" price of said services.

Comment Re:Levels (Score 1) 214

First level is to be able to get the computer to do what you want. If you can do that, you have a career as a programmer. .....
The next step is writing flexible software.

I would beg to differ on step two.

Step two would be understanding *why* the computer did what you wanted/
Most developers I have worked with do not understand how a computer actually works. It's a magical black box to them.

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