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Comment Re:It's not surprising (Score 1) 129

Not trying to be cute. Nor am I an aging technophobe, but what I said is very true, most new technologies are created with the purest and best intentions, but quickly or occasionally over time, people think of ways to pervert them and use them for their own gain rather than the good for which they were intended.

I'm definitely not looking backward nor pining for the past. Your assumption about me is 100% wrong. However, in 50+ years on the planet I have seen many things heralded as great inventions which devolve into negative things. Television, your first great example, was supposed to be used for educational purposes. Look at it now, idiotic reality shows, moronic sitcoms, mostly garbage and pap intended to keep the drooling masses mesmerized so they don't notice how the rest of the world is turning to shit.

Same thing with a lot of your other examples. The Internet? Also meant for educational and research purposes. Now we have Youtube. Rocketry? Meant for entertainment (fireworks). Then it became a weapon. Same with airplanes, they were meant to deliver people and mail, but now they drop bombs. I could go on but you get my point, I hope.

I have hopes that some things may get better eventually, some have. Most have not.

I can assure you that I am not ready for the Legion quite yet, thank you. Not everything is more awful than it was, and if you think that attitude is poison, then what you do suggest is the right one as you see things going down the toilet? Obstinate complacency and a laissez-faire attitude is the poison. If you ignore the problems, things left to themselves just get worse. Hence we have the current state of affairs we find ourselves in today. Thank you for that.

Oh, and some day you'll be walking with a cane and shitting yourself in public. Until then, get the fuck off my lawn, whippersnapper.

Comment Re:Where is the value in this meta-regurgitation? (Score 1) 63

why did they wait this long to start screaming about it? This seems like another "October surprise".

Ummm. . . the gag orders in place?

If that were the case, then why would the gag order be lifted now when the trial doesn't begin until September? And if the gag order was lifted, then why did they only go to a deeply partisan "news" source, rather than using a respectable source? I understand that all conservatives are under orders from on high to trash the NYT at every possible opportunity, but there are respectable news sources that lean conservative.

fascist regime

You use that term, but you don't know what it actually means. The context in which you used it demonstrates that quite clearly.

Comment Re:Where is the value in this meta-regurgitation? (Score 1) 63

Show me, how are senior Democrats in Wisconsin connected to this?

You've got the links. Show yourself.

It would appear then that the term "senior Democrats" has a different meaning to you than it does to me, then. Also interesting how much different your application of "senior" is when the party in question is Democrat rather than Republican.

It really is overwhelming to try to keep up with how rapidly you change the English language at your whim.

Comment Re:Where is the value in this meta-regurgitation? (Score 1) 63

And I'm enjoying a full-on guffaw at your desperate attempts to do anything to talk about what a bunch of fascists the senior WI Democrats are.

Is there an error in that statement?

But we can run with this. Show me, how are senior Democrats in Wisconsin connected to this? If it were going the other way, with republicans being alleged of "going after" democrats, you would say they were "rogue agents" or "bad actors". You have already convinced yourself that these are party officials, and I'm still waiting for you to connect it to President Lawnchair.

Comment Re:Where is the value in this meta-regurgitation? (Score 1) 63

Actually, it's that government officials improperly took it upon themselves to use their positions to harass perceived opponents with no legal basis.

That is the allegation so far. This is why there will be a court hearing, to determine how much of a gap exists between reality and perception.

The two reasons I did the "research" are (1) it sounded plausible, if a little bit "out there," and (2) if there's some substance to it, it shouldn't be all that hard to find. And it wasn't hard - several articles mention that a judge named Peterson had quashed the subpoenas, we had the name of the Wisconsin Growth Club, and a bit of digging yielded O'Keefe's name and the judicial district.

One thing I find interesting in this is the timing. If this really happened that long ago (in political time) why did they wait this long to start screaming about it? This seems like another "October surprise".

Comment Re:Where is the value in this meta-regurgitation? (Score 1) 63

Changing the subject? No, I'm waiting for you to get to the subject. Why would you care about Wisconsin politics anyways? Every other political topic you bring up comes back to demonizing and removing the POTUS, there is no reason to expect this one to be different. Just get to how you are going to tie this to President Lawnchair; the suspense is killing us!

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