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Comment Re:What am I missing? (Score 4, Informative) 219

Hey buddy,

I have my account on the highest level of lock-down. However, if you get the URL to my profile, or you're a friend of a friend, you can still see (and I can't block this):

- My friend list, in its entirety
- Pages of which I'm a fan
- Profile photo
- An option to send me a friend request
- Some other stuff

None of which I wanted. My circumstances are somewhat special, because not everyone needs or wants this level of security, but I do, and I used to have it, and now it's gone away.


Comment Re:EA (Score 5, Interesting) 161

While i've been a fan of RTSs since the days of the brotherhood of nod, it does seem to be much more difficult to find good ones these days.

In particular co-op RTSs seem to be non-existent and most that do support it seem like it was added at the last moment on a whim. If you're interested in a game that has more focus on the S part of RTS, and excellent co-op opportunities, i recommend AI War: Fleet Command. It's an indy game written by a developer who actually cares about it's playerbase(No i'm not that developer, but I do play the game), and makes free DLC available almost every week with bug fixes, gameplay improvements, new units, etc. The gameplay is very asymmetrical. The enemy has already taken over the galaxy and is now distracted with other pursuits. The more planets you capture and the more structures you destroy the more annoyed the enemy becomes, sending larger and more powerful fleets against you. You can't go recklessly taking over every planet you encounter because the enemy would soon be mighty pissed and send everything it has against you.

It's not for everyone, however you should at least check it out if you're finding the RTS platform has been lacking as of late.

Comment Re:Yep (Score 1) 900

We do need a PS replacement that isn't so damn annoying. Imagine if the KOffice, OpenOffice and GNOME Office document writer apps were a white window where your typing went and each tool bar a separate window. People would hate it. PS/GIMP is no different.

There's a fork that combines everything into one window.

Comment Strong asymmetric crypto. (Score 1) 450

If Windows has a back door that the NSA can use, how would they prevent foreign intelligence agencies from using it?

Lock the back door using strong asymmetric cryptography.

Then even if the other intelligence agencies get hold of the source code (or tear the code apart and grok every bit) it does them no good. They have to steal the private key or crack the cypher to open the door.

Comment Re:Oh, look, fanboy whining (Score 1) 858

It's nice that you have the time to deal with Windows and/or Linux. Three hours of my time spent fighting XF86Config / working out why Flash doesn't work on some Linux machine, or dealing with Windows' little monkey fingers ... urk.

I buy Mac hardware because it works with OS X with the minimum amount of hassle. My dev server and occasional-use Windows machine live nicely sandboxed in VMWare fusion...

Comment Re:I hate to say it, but MS had a good point (Score 1) 858

You know, I think MS are missing the point. That part where 'Lauren' says: "I'm not cool enough to own a Mac!" ...

If people were driven by price over form-factor/design/advertising/SteveJobsMagicSauce then iPod's wouldn't be as dramatically popular as they are. People own iPod's because they're cool, because they're a premium product, because they're heavily marketed, and because, in my experience, they're a joy to own.

The $300 she's saving in this advert pales in comparison to tuition fees she'll be paying. For a machine she'll be using every day for three years...


Comment Re:Fanboy reacts to negative Apple publicity... (Score 1) 858

News at 11.

Apple is a very successful company with steadily increasing market share. You live in a basement. So I mean, it's nice that you took the time to share your deep thoughts about "WHAT MAC IS DOING WRONG FOR ME!?!? LOLOLOL".

I'd love to hear any thoughts you might share about:

- How to fix the world economy
- Israel/Palestine
- How to pick up chicks

Perchance you have a newsletter?

Comment This is ... a good thing? (Score -1, Flamebait) 293

I don't understand why people get so up in arms about this stuff.

Total times CCTV coverage in the UK has been abused in some Orwellian circle-jerk fantasy like people are always warning it is: 0

Total times CCTV coverage has put bad people away: hundreds

Seriously, what are you guys doing that means you mind being on camera?

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