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Comment Re:for christ sake stop comparing things to NASA (Score 1) 225

Indeed, it means that the 75M/year isn't even permanent, whereas NASA will always need money (for different projects, sure, but we're comparing the two for whatever reason). Are you forgetting the sort of project ITER is? It makes the shuttle look like child's play. 75M/year for even a century would be chump change in the grand scheme of things.

Comment Re:Perl still works, and PHP is fine (Score 1) 536

It's an interesting list of issues, but all it does is whine. If you actually look around for web languages that are widely supported and easy enough to get running, even on cheap shared hosting, you'll find that your choices are extremely limited. PHP, sometimes Ruby on Rails, that's about it. Before you dismiss shared hosting off hand, remember that not everyone has a lot of money to spend on a website, and that a language's widespread adoption DOES factor in the decision to use it.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 100

Somebody pissed in your cereal this morning? Their previous games, Joe Danger, were pretty good and didn't try to oversell. They're obviously trying to hype their game so they get a fanbase, but that's nothing special. It's also quite a bit more understated than Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen in terms of bling.

Also, a team of 10 is tiny. I take it you stopped following games around 1995, where two guys in their garage could make a solid game in six months. Expectations have changed, believe it or not! AAA game devs number in the hundreds and for a game of this scope 10 is very small. They're also not all programmers/artists and I believe not all of them are working on the game.

Comment Re:East - Sleep, West - Awake (Score 1) 163

What you're saying makes sense, but I've found it incredibly difficult to sleep on the plane reliably. Usually I'll get an hour or two out of a seven hour flight after some heavy trying and back and forth, but that's it. I've been pondering some sleeping aids to get that sorted, even though I don't like the idea so much when I travel alone.

Comment Re:Thanks for pointing out the "briefly" part. (Score 1) 461

Sure! Build lots and lots of solar plants in Africa, where there's a lot of sun and unused land. Middle East would work as well, and perhaps parts of Spain.

In Germany though? Wind and hydro would most likely be a lot more cost efficient, unless you want to float balloons above the clouds with arrays of panels attached.

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