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Comment Re:Import the workers or offshore the jobs... (Score 3, Insightful) 224

Companies could potentially switch to off shoring the jobs whether the government does everything, nothing, or any point in between.

The only way to prevent that is to make labour and production as cheap, disposable, exploitable and polluting everywhere as it is in the worst country in the world.

Do you want to keep arguing the point, or just shush up now?

Comment Re:Too little, too late (Score 1) 259

we want to allow you to download any of our outdated examples of complete DRM-ridden shit from our online catalog

Nothing in this non-binding non-guarantee commits to offering customers a choice at all, whether it's from the whole catalog or the dog eared and about-to-be-shitcanned section of it.

If you're inferring otherwise, well... it's EA. This is from the same... person... who claimed that the always-on aspect is all about gameplay, rather than being driven by EA's unslakable urge to kill off re-sales and older games. You can tell that she's lying because her fingers are moving.

Comment It's better, it's not just "journalists" (Score 5, Interesting) 238

The brief explicitly says "the First Amendment right to record police officers performing public duties extends to both the public and members of the media, and the Court should not make a distinction between the publicâ(TM)s and the mediaâ(TM)s rights to record here".

This is all very strange. Hang on, is it Opposite Day?

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