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Comment dnf update (Score 1) 66

Updating right now.

Not a full time Fedora user, but looking for something that has a good combo of stability and newer software. Now that the version is out of pre-release, I will give it a good test run.

Comment Re:Oh, Jon Katz (Score 2) 171

I remember complaining about his articles until the Hellmouth stuff happened (the Columbine shooting and the following hysteria from mass media). He seemed to really listen to what younger people were saying at the time instead of telling us what we were saying.

He seemed to "get it" and quick to translate was school administrators and lawyers were proposing into something that the younger people understood.

I also read his book Geeks and found it really interesting. The view of someone from outside of the small town geek bubble describing the story makes me look back at my younger years differently.

I can't say he was my favorite slashdot editor, but I won't say anything bad about his time at slashdot now that I can look back on it with the filter time gone by.

Comment Re:Surface is a failure (Score 1) 150

I support Surface Pro2s and up at work. One client is an office that is running AutoDesk on Surface Pro 2/3 models.

We also have a technical sale company that uses Surfaces for sales people and engineers.

I don't care for them and find them to have a few quirks, but the users like them. Or they say that do after convincing their company to shell out the money for the Surface and dock.

One thing we did get complaints about is the decrease in battery life of a Surface Pro 4 compared to a Pro 3.

Comment Re: Only LUDDITES want Windows 10 Pro. (Score 1) 150

We similar with phones. Feature phones got smaller and smaller and then with the coming of smart phones we are reversing direction and they are getting bigger and bigger.

The difference between what was called a phablet and today's flagship phones is nil.

I need something big enough to use comfortably more than I need something something small.

Comment And this is why i dumped Wunderlist (Score 1) 58

I had used Wunderlist on and off for a bit to be able to get a visual of what needed done and help prioritize things I needed to accomplish. Once Wunderlist was bought I just uninstalled and said good bye as I knew it wouldn't last or would end up needing dependencies that I didn't want to install (i.e: become part of office).

Now I just vi a text file on a server that I can access via the internet.

Comment Re:But is Wayland better? (Score 1) 227

Think of how much progress could have been made on Wayland if the effort that was put into Mir has been added to efforts on Wayland.

I remember when Mir was getting started that many wondered why Canonical put the effort into Mir instead of contributing to more universal projects. Looks like Canonical is reaping what it sowed by starting its own projects instead of just working on existing projects.

While I think Canonical's intentions with Unity and Mir were not as benevolent as they portrayed, have to remember that even FOSS projects that fail often provide wisdom (of what doesn't work), code and experience that is beneficial to the FOSS community as a whole.

Submission + - It's not you, Slashdot, it's me. 5

BuckB writes: When I was a young man, I read Slashdot in order to amaze my friends with useful facts. It was even my homepage for awhile. Sure, there was time when I cheated and went to cnet or wired. With Slashdot, I could count on high quality debate on controversial topics, even though I knew in my heart that most of the readers were Apple fans, while I am a closeted Microsofterian. Now the stories are mainly non-tech — no, that's the real reason — the stories are now mainly fake or click-bait or alarmist, and the discussions are completely uninformed, insulting, to the point of being indistinguishable from an MSNBC forum.

I'll still remember you fondly. And I'll check back now and then. You'll do fine without me, find more people who enjoy insulting contributions and upvoting rumors and gossip. But maybe, just maybe, you'll think back to when you were a leader and attracted the kinds of people like me.

Comment Re:I would try it. (Score 1) 126

Dilaudid was the only thing that made the pain go away. Vicoden ES would work to take the edge off enough to function.

Didn't try morphine or oxycontin until I was being treated for cancer, so not sure how it does for stone.

Found out I had a parathyroid adenoma. Had one of my parathyroids removed and the stones went away for quite some time. I still get small ones, but nothing that requires a doctor's care.

Comment Current waste (Score 2) 20

I believe currently the only place able to take federal nuclear waste is WCS in Andrews, Texas.

Course nuclear weapons are assembled and disassembled near Amarlillo, Texas at the Pantex plant.

The reason everything in Texas is big is all of the radiation.

Submission + - Has Mark Shuttleworth gone overboard? 3

Linux Torvalds writes: From the article on softpedia which qoutes "Mark Shuttleworth Asks Devs from Different Desktop Environments to Work Together" from Ubuntu Online Summit 2015, which begs us to ask "is he paying attention to any open source development outside of the kingdom of Canonical ?"
Canonical has already started work on making Snappy Package Manager (a replacement for apt based dpkg package manager) and Mir (a replacement for the X window server system) for Ubuntu. But since features promised by Snappy Package Manager are already available in Nix Package Manager, so essentially there is no need to make new one. Similarly Canonical could contribute to make X windows better but instead they are making a new one.
Which makes me wonder has Mark Shuttleworth gone overboard? What do you think?

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