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Comment Re:Correctly incorrect units (Score 1) 172

I just got back from a vacation in Australia, and was annoyed that the in-flight display thingy insisted
on displaying everything in "correct" units.

Really? Every intercontinental flight i've ever been on (quite a few, but none in the last 5 years) has shown altitude, speed, etc, in both normal and retarded units. Switching entirely to metric must be new - and is a welcome change, because it was mildly irritating waiting for the miles to change to kilometers.

Comment Re:Site for Geeks? (Score 1) 172

So, please, is this a site for imperial fucktards, or one for geeks and nerds who use the metric system like every other human being on this planet?

Slashdot has openly been a U.S.-centric site and has been from the beginning.


Comment Re:Feet? (Score 1) 172

It's the 21st. Fortunately we stopped Napoleon at Waterloo, so the french system of units didn't take over the civilised (English speaking) world.

By "civilised" world, i assume you mean the USA - because as far as i can tell, all the rest of the English speaking world use metric. Even the backward Brits use it for most things - except beer and babies.

Comment Re:Broadband speed and cost vs other countries (Score 0) 142

We can offer 6-18mbps down and 1mbps up, on a single line.

Fuck, you're all at it! The symbol for mega is "M", not "m". "m" is the symbol for "milli" – i.e., 1000th. "1mbps" means one millibit per second, i.e., one bit every thousand seconds. Remind me not to get an account with your ISP.

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