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Comment Re:i educate (Score 1) 190

there's a whole bunch of people i've encountered who [......] have never heard of specific programs they could use (i.e. firefox, open office)

I find it disturbing how many people i encounter who don't even know what a web browser is - even though they use one every day.

Comment Re:Objectivist utopia (Score 2) 215

Coincidentally, a Facebook friend posted this video of the place: Baotou toxic lake.

As i suspected, it's a standard - although huge - tailings dam. Anywhere there's a metalliferous mine, you'll find one (or more) of these. I've only worked in one mine (in Australia) and their tailings dam had been incompetently built and managed - and it leaks into the surrounding soil and water table. I suspect they're like that everywhere, as mining companies only care about money, not the environment, and governments turn a blind eye.

The dust masks worn by the people in this video are rather melodramatic - and useless. It doesn't look dusty and the masks will have no effect on the sulfur dioxide and other gases given off by the tailings.

Comment Instil? (Score 0) 44

[......] dipped in silver nanoparticles to instill conductivity [......]

1. gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude) in a person's mind.

2. put (a substance) into something in the form of liquid drops.

Which sense of instil did you mean?

Comment Re:Objectivist utopia (Score 1) 215

It sounds like a standard mine tailings dam to me. You can see it on Google maps? So what? You can see much smaller tailings dams all over the world on Google maps. Yeah, they're disgusting, but we'd need to completely stop using metal to get rid of them.

The important thing is not that it's a tailings dam, but how it's constructed and managed - and there's no hint of that. A properly constructed and managed tailings dam shouldn't be a major environmental issue, but a poorly constructed or managed one is a disaster. I suspect this falls into the latter category (most of them seem to), but it would be nice to have some details.

Comment Re:garlic? (Score 1) 124

Garlic is a very effective antibiotic - but only when it's raw, cooked garlic doesn't work. Garlic juice was used in the trenches in the first world war for fighting infection. I don't know about the other stuff, but the garlic on its own would kill MRSA in some circumstances.

Comment Re:Time to stock up on shotgun shells (Score 1) 162

A falling bullet has a much lower speed than one that was just shot.

What makes you think that? The Its potential energy at the top of its upward trajectory is not that much different to what it was when it came out of the gun - and it will be pretty much the same when it gets back down to the same level it was fired from (thanks to gravity, with a small effect of wind resistance).

People are frequently killed by bullets being fired into the air - as described in this article.

Comment Re:OMFG (Score 1) 294

Unless you are willing to consider a revival of eugenics, we are headed down a dark path.

Be like Hitler, you mean? That didn't exactly end well, did it?

Maybe we just need to consider sharing the work around more fairly. The current trend is opposite to that - with more and more workers doing unreasonably long hours. It's time for governments to legislate a maximum working week of 30 hours.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
