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Comment Re:All water is recycled (Score 2) 245

A good reverse osmosis system will remove most anything larger than a water molecule... that includes just about any pharmaceutical molecule you'd care to name.

Of course it will. But RO is very expensive and complicated and requires specialised maintenance. It's also not mentioned in TFA (although it could be in the video, i don't know - reading TFA is quite uncool enough on /. - without watching TFV).

Comment Re:I'm amazed (Score 1) 169

Also a lot of people aren't interested in hearing the same music throughout their lives like older generations did.

I'm an old(ish) person (56) and i hate old music - i've heard all that old crap far too many times. But i don't live in a city and i don't have internet everywhere and i want mp3s. And i'm quite happy to pay for them - but i won't pay for streaming.

The only Australian mp3 seller (Bigpond Music) has recently stopped operating in favour of a streaming service, which really only leaves Google Play (which is a pain in the arse). Itunes is completely useless if you use Linux, and there's fuck all else as far as i can tell.

Comment Analogy (Score 1) 303

One of the worst things about OOP is the stupid analogies used to explain it. If the people you're explaining it to can't understand it in abstract, programming terms then they're not worth wasting your time on because they'll be useless programmers anyway. But, of course, it's probably not the audience that's the problem, but the writer - who's incapable of communicating without resorting to stupid analogies.

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