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Comment Causality? Who knows? (Score 3, Interesting) 277

I love Python because it maps very neatly onto how I model problems in my head. I'm not averse to using other languages, but Python is my comfort zone because Guido and I apparently think about algorithms in the same ways. As it turns out, I make a decent living with it.

So, do I have a good job because I know Python, or is it because the thought patterns of the people who are drawn to Python are the same ones that companies want to pay for, regardless of language? If the former and you want a good job, then by all means learn Python. But if knowing Python is just a side effect of the properties that employers are actually looking for, then it's probably not going to help you all that much.

Comment Wikipedia is too biased for my news. (Score 3) 167

I read a bunch of news sites and its easy to see if they are left or right leaning. Wikipedia isnt balanced anymore. There are paid editors who are very left, and the majority is left, feminist and social justice leaning. They can bend any topic to fit a narrative which is damn annoying for a fact based article when its riddle with emotional propaganda.

Just google gamergate and wikipedia, editor ryulong is the perfect example. https://encyclopediadramatica....

Love watching news on youtube, the young turks network is pretty good. I like to play the TYT drinking game, take a shot every time they blame a republican or mention gun control.

Comment Re:First (Score 1) 446

You can install a firmware that is compiled from the open source you trust.

Ken Thompson had something to say about that. Are you hand-compiling that OS using your own tools and not the vendor-supplied toolchain?

There is still the possibility of hardware level backdoors, but there are a 100 different manufactures of Android devices, many of them have little to no presence in the USA

...and are largely from countries with no cultural history of valuing privacy. Now instead of being suspicious of Apple or Microsoft, you have to be suspicious of 100 individual vendors.

Versus Apple, Microsoft, etc who are easy targets for US courts orders

...and US court lawsuits. For the first time maybe ever, it seems like the non-geek people around me are starting to get why security is important and are taking it seriously. Apple and MS have a lot more to lose than $RANDOM_CHINESE_VENDOR who can still sell their bad-American-repped $30 phones in developing countries if they're kicked out of America. Take away Apple's North American market and they'd fold overnight. They've been bragging about their security and crypto for a while now to the point of making it a marketing point, and breaking their promise to consumers would likely be catastrophic.

Comment Re:About fucking time (Score 1) 233

The brain repairs itself by routing around damage. Although this can restore pre-injury function, it does so by using up "spare" capacity that would otherwise reduce losses due to aging or other insults.

Repeated brain injuries (like multiple subacute impacts per game) go through that reserve capacity quickly. That's what we see in middle-aged professional athletes such as boxers and more recently football players.

As for my age, yup. Retired. But I'm a volunteer emergency medic and we have to stay current, including annual refreshers that cover the state of the art. That includes the findings regarding repetitive subacute brain injuries.

Comment Coverage (Score 1, Interesting) 216

All those nice coverage maps show voice and doesnt include data. Rural areas have no native Internet providers, so often if they do have Internet its hauled in by microwave. I know this, the town my mother retired in shares brings in data so Verizon can vpn over it and provide data to the school and public libarary. It was great, verizon put in a tower and we had 4g and voice. But with people moving more into rual areas to retire, the bandwidth hasnt kept up with the usage, so now its down to voice only.

The thing that really pisses me off, is we have underground power and smart meters to all these rural homes, but no internet over power. Even slow speed would be better than the dial up they use now.

Comment Re:Let it die. (Score 1) 233

Then schools and colleges can get back to academic disciplines.

Like basketball, which will suddenly explode in popularity. Or you'll have an elite rowing team picking on freshmen. Perhaps a thug squad of a lacrosse team.

If football were to go away tomorrow, I promise you something would replace it, and quickly.

Comment Re:About fucking time (Score 1) 233

Unless it's a serious concussion, I think most still go unreported.

Aside from the "all concussions are serious" aspect, in a team sport someone being disoriented should be reported by the other team members, if only in the interest of not losing the game.

However, what we're discussing here in particular is the common case where a player is clearly concussed (as in, disoriented or briefly unresponsive) and instead of being sent to hospital is kept on the bench and frequently sent back into the game after a short rest. At best, they're out for the game but back in practice the following school day and playing the following week.

Comment Re:If I was running a school system ... (Score 1) 233

Give them something better than football, and convince them that it really is better, and the world will change.

You mean like election engineering? That does seem to be right up there with football, and remarkably (given that it happens at the same time of year) the two don't seem to be exclusive.

As long as the school budget cuts don't impact the sports program, it's all good. Keeps the kids from getting funny ideas.

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