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Comment Re:Surprise, anyone? (Score 1) 300

Commercial search engies must skate a fine line between fair use and copyright violation. There is at least some potential that ignoring robots.txt could land them in legal trouble.

At the moment, lacking contrary legislation, user-identifiying information that is transmitted to a server is considered property of that server owner. If there was legislation defining that information as property of the user, much like Canada (among others) defines metered electricity usage information as belonging not to the utilites but to the resident, then Do-Not-Track might have some teeth.

Even then, though, it's probably a lot harder to legally demonstrate a violation of that setting than showing a search engine has cached a page it wasn't given permission to cache.

Comment Zigbee (Score 2) 336

Zigbee's the best option for home automation ecosystem. Zero-conf mesh networking for great range even through walls/floors, and lower power so all these devices don't bust your electricity bill. And if your utility installs a smart meter with home-area networking, it'll probably be Zigbee, so smart appliances can get usage and price data from there.

Comment Re:Keep up the selfishness.. (Score 1) 435


Customer: All your power supply units are no-name, inefficient Chinese or Vietnamese crap with high failure rates. Can't you stock some decent equipment?

Local Computer Store: I've got mine. Fuck you.


Customer: All you have here is NYT best seller list schlock, New Age Oprah garbage, and Christian testimonals. Can't you stock some decent science fiction or popular science books?

Local Book Store: I've got mine. Fuck you.

Comment Re:How about a link to the downloadable book? (Score 5, Funny) 45

All PDF readers have their exploits, no reason you can't make one document that targets them all. That's why I trained myself to read PDF in binary. Yes, obviously it's a bit challenging but there's something immensely satisfying about being able to visualize the document based on the raw input and, until the NSA gets into wet-ware hacking, it's the one reader technology that's guaranteed to be perfectly sa.... MUST. INFILTRATE. PUTIN. ADMINISTRATION.

Comment Re:Kuhn Paradigms (Score 1) 265

Depends on if we want to include cultural norms as part of how the world works. Consider the experience of moving across the country for a job or to attend university. Even with communication technologies that have parallels in the Internet age (POTS, Fax, and the postal service), there was definitely the cultural expectation of weakening social bonds with your parents and completely breaking social bonds with all your peers. You'd only see your parents occasionally for holidays, and quite likely would never see anyone from high school again. That's just the way the world worked.

But thanks to widely deployed IP networks we not only have incremental improvements on old technology (mobile phones with no long-distance charges and telephone numbers that follow you, instantaneously delivered email) but also new tools such as video chat, media sharing services, and social networks. There are real options for maintaining long-term social bonds, options that did not previously exist. For single, childless persons, major relocations are not really a big deal anymore. That's arguably a big change in how people view the world working.

Comment Re:split. (Score 1) 503

Yes! Because whether or not that person is actually a murderer is something to be determined by an unbiased jury. If a jury member in incapable of putting aside their fear of murder, if he or she is willing to find against anyone simply because they were accused of murder, that is an unacceptable bias.

Comment Re:Look at ninety percent of the effort towards go (Score 1) 459

I can choose to go to another bank. That choice cannot be taken away.

Of course it can be taken away; the big bank can acquire the little bank. Just like how a lot of people left AT&T for T-Mobile, so AT&T tried to acquire T-Mobile. Fortunately we have an administration that respects consumer rights and put good people in charge of the regulatory agencies, so that attempted acquisition was blocked.

Comment Re:If we're not for science, what are we for. (Score 5, Informative) 482

That doesn't appear to be true. While the first test result for any given sample has come back clean, that potentially just means that he's been ahead of the curve on using doping methods that avoid detection. The USADA reports indicate that some of the re-tests on samples have come back as indicating doping. We'll probably find out more as they take their case to the ICU.

Of course this whole thing from cycling to baseball to the Olympics is ridiculous. With shades of Futurama, it'll be a relief when we can put all these stories behind us after performance enhancing drugs in all sports are mandatory.

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