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Comment Reeks of a terrible article (Score 2) 116

We have some lovely elements coming together right here on the slashdot blurb:

1. Stupid pun instead of a descriptive title
2. Full caps in the article excerpt
3. Trying to bring up coding "culture"
4. Assertion that it totally could have been caught beforehand, but they aren't sure exactly how.

Somehow, I don't think I'm missing much by not reading the article.

You've Got Male: Amazon's Growth Impacting Seattle Dating Scene 315

reifman (786887) writes "San Francisco's gender imbalance is so bad that a startup recently proposed flying women in from New York City for dates. But, if you're a straight male thinking of moving to Seattle to work in technology, think again. Seattle's gender ratio is even more imbalanced and it's about to get much worse for men. Amazon is building out enough space to employ 5% of the city population and its workforce is 75 percent male. By the end of 2014, Seattle will have 130 single men for every 100 single women."

Comment America baffles me (Score 1) 664

In Taiwan, I can go to the cops and say I lost my phone. They'll ask me to help them backtrack where I've been. Since most businesses and apartment buildings have security cameras, they can usually catch it on camera. Most phone thefts happen here because someone dropped their phone and someone else picked it up, then took out the SIM card. Also, people generally show security camera footage to cops without a warrant if they're looking for a lost phone. So they put the pieces together for me, pick the guy up, and get my phone back. Meanwhile, in the states, you hand them the location and they tell you to go fuck yourself. What the hell is wrong with your country?

Comment Is this a lie like last time? (Score 0) 115

With Witcher 2, they said it would be DRM free, but then they said, "Oh, it actually has DRM in it, which you can totally remove. A week later, after it's already infected your machine and left behind traces of shit everywhere." Yeah, fuck these guys. They had a chance to do this before and reneged.

Experts Say Hitching a Ride In an Airliner's Wheel Well Is Not a Good Idea 239

Hugh Pickens DOT Com (2995471) writes "Hasani Gittens reports that as miraculous as it was that a 16-year-old California boy was able to hitch a ride from San Jose to Hawaii and survive, it isn't the first time a wheel-well stowaway has lived to tell about it. The FAA says that since 1947 there have been 105 people who have tried to surreptitiously travel in plane landing gear — with a survival rate of about 25 percent. But agency adds that the actual numbers are probably higher, as some survivors may have escaped unnoticed, and bodies could fall into the ocean undetected. Except for the occasional happy ending, hiding in the landing gear of a aircraft as it soars miles above the Earth is generally a losing proposition. According to an FAA/Wright State University study titled 'Survival at High Altitudes: Wheel-Well Passengers,' at 20,000 feet the temperature experienced by a stowaway would be -13 F, at 30,000 it would be -45 in the wheel well — and at 40,000 feet, the mercury plunges to a deadly -85 F (PDF). 'You're dealing with an incredibly harsh environment,' says aviation and security expert Anthony Roman. 'Temperatures can reach -50 F, and oxygen levels there are barely sustainable for life.' Even if a strong-bodied individual is lucky enough to stand the cold and the lack of oxygen, there's still the issue of falling out of the plane. 'It's almost impossible not to get thrown out when the gear opens,' says Roman.

So how do the lucky one-in-four survive? The answer, surprisingly, is that a few factors of human physiology are at play: As the aircraft climbs, the body enters a state of hypoxia—that is, it lacks oxygen—and the person passes out. At the same time, the frigid temperatures cause a state of hypothermia, which preserves the nervous system. 'It's similar to a young kid who falls to the bottom of an icy lake," says Roman. "and two hours later he survives, because he was so cold.'"

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