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Comment Racked by delays...? (Score 1) 144

I'm very curious how the racks caused delays. Were there too many that fell over damaging the servers? Perhaps the under performing vendors are being tortured for their failure?

Well, how about that, it appears that the word wrack (synonyms, ruin, destruction, wreckage, (v) to cause destruction) have been replaced by the word rack (synonyms: shelf, torture device, (v) subject to extreme stress).

Bah. My first attempt to be a grammar Nazi and I have to correct myself.

Comment Re:Tradition (Score 2) 681

I gotta call you on that, man. Windows 98 and Windows 2000 were awesome compared to Windows 95 and Me (Windows 99?). XP only narrowly avoided the odd numbered curse because it was named XP instead of 01 or 1. I guess they fired all the people that made Windows Me. Then they brought them all back to make Windows Vista and, after they'd learned their lesson with Vista, they had them make Windows 8.

Comment Re:Name? (Score 1) 148

This is a good point. The only way they could have screwed up worse would have been to name it "Pinto", "Gremlin", or "Aztek". (The latter has been said to have been the worst car in all of history, responsible for the downfall of Pontiac.)

Now now, those were at least profitable cars. How about an unprofitable car for a name: Project Edsel. This car cost Ford millions of $$ in 1950s money. How's that for a bad project name?

Comment Re:Straight Talk (Score 1) 273

From what I understand, it depends on the area of the country you live in. So it is possible to be on "T-Mobile" Straight Talk in some areas and "AT&T" Straight Talk in other areas.

In my area, it was possible (for a while) to run locked AT&T phones on straight talk. They've stopped, because some folks were taking the pay as you go smartphones, using them maybe a month, and quickly switching to Straight Talk.

Comment Re: Innovation? (Score 1) 361

I know I shouldn't feed the troll Woosh, etc... Ah, what the heck

Spoken like someone who never had the original one. Even while the thing was in it's heyday (late '80s), it had all kinds of issue starting. After about two-three years of heavy use, they would start with the flashing power light upon inserting a cart. Everyone always assumed it was the cart's fault, because if you took it out and blew on it or tried another one, it would work. Problem was with the female end inside the unit, the jaws would splay open after too many insertions.

That said, I'll give the parent a break — since I never owned a top loader, he may be right. My N64 still works (for now), but my SNES only starts its games about 1 in 10 times recently.

Comment Libraries = No Privacy (Score 1) 149

Historically, the list books you check out from a library have been protected. However, with the way the government is thinking about it, it is just metadata, since it isn't the books themselves. At this point, I'd honestly be surprised if they weren't mining that data also.

Power Corrupts
Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely
Knowledge is Power

Absolute Knowledge Corrupts Absolutely

Submission + - American Bankers Association Claims Copyright On Bank Routing Numbers 1

192_kbps writes: Greg Thatcher's website publishes bank routing numbers, the nine-digit numbers appearing at the bottom of US checks identifying the issuing bank. The American Bankers Association's lawyers issued a takedown notice, on follow-up claiming "These advances in the ABA Routing Number were the result of significant effort and creativity by the ABA." Techdirt has an analysis, and a petition supporting Thatcher has been created.

Comment Free-To-Play === No DRM? (Score 1) 464

I have to disagree with you. Free-To-Play is the ultimate DRM. Your game only exists as long as that game cloud is running. As soon as it becomes unprofitable, they'll pull the plug in a heartbeat. Just like that, your game is gone.

From the publisher's point of view, this is the best possible solution. Turn everything into MMORPG, MMORTS, or MMOFPS and start raking in the dough. As soon as v2 comes out, pull the plug on v1. Or better yet, make expansion1 that makes those playing the vanilla version lose every time. I can see more powerful guns in FPS-type games (like the Double-Barrel shotgun in Doom2), more powerful units in RTS games (like Krogoth in Total Annihilation:Core Contingency), and Monty-Haul Loot Drops (TM) in MMORPGs (like Dust of Disappearance in Curse of the Azure Bonds - that stuff rocked!)

Point is - I can still play Curse of the Azure Bonds more than 20 years after it was made. Yes, I still have a floppy drive in my computer, and an emulator is required. The Free-To-Plays will probably last 5, perhaps 15 if they are a runaway success. Future generations may not have access to them. Now where did that Adventurer's Journal run off to, I need to read Entry 37.

Comment Re:Done before (Score 1) 210

Don't forget Nesticle_Love's fast running, arcade stomping big brother, Callus_Love. He loved those Capcom games, back in the day. We should also have some consideration for Callus' cousin, Retrocade_Love. She was easy on the eyes - too bad she stopped running when Windows became an eXPerience instead of a year. She's really let herself go.

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