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Comment Re:selective enforcement at it's finest. (Score 5, Insightful) 325

If you are a 90 year old Pearl Harbor veteran, you are a goddamn hero, no one denies that

I deny that. Unless you can offer some proof.

Hiding in a bomb shelter is not heroic. Sensible, but not heroic.
Manning your post in a ship under fire is not heroic. You get trained to do it, failing to stay at your post would be the thing worthy of a title, not merely 'doing your job'.

But maybe he pulled the charred corpse of his colleague from the AA gun chair, swung it round, shot down four Japanese fighter bombers, took three rounds in the chest but then stayed there shooting at torpedo bombers. That's heroic.

I guess we'll never know. But don't go pretending I have to accept that he's a hero, just because he managed not to die.

Comment Re:We have those in South Carolina too (Score 5, Insightful) 325

There are at least two reasons for his opinions.
1. Corrupt or power-tripping cops.
2. The rest of the cops that protect them.

I teach my kids to always be polite to policemen, but try to avoid any contact with them if possible.
Mostly because they are the most dangerous gang around.

And please forgive me for being skeptical about your claims.

Comment Re:It's time we own up to this one (Score 3, Informative) 149

I'd say more than just the "community". We have a great many companies that incorporate this software and generate billions from the sales of applications or services incorporating it, without returning anything to its maintenance.I think it's a sensible thing to ask Intuit, for example: "What did you pay to help maintain OpenSSL?". And then go down the list of companies.

Comment It's time we own up to this one (Score 4, Insightful) 149

OK guys. We've promoted Open Source for decades. We have to own up to our own problems.

This was a failure in the Open Source process. It is just as likely to happen to closed source software, and more likely to go unrevealed if it does, which is why we aren't already having our heads handed to us.

But we need to look at whether Open Source projects should be providing the world's security without any significant funding to do so.

Comment Re:If you make this a proof of God... (Score 2) 612

You have no idea what the Programmer's motive and design goal is. [...]
We would have no more understanding of the Programmer than my WoW character has of me.

And yet, some people go around proclaiming that they know all about The Programmer's goals, motivations and rules just because somebody handed them a "programming for dummies" book.

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The best book on programming for the layman is "Alice in Wonderland"; but that's because it's the best book on anything for the layman.
