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Comment Re:Can't Tell Them Apart (Score 1) 466

TheGratefulNet, the suggestion from Actually... is a good one, I think you didn't notice what it was. He is putting the onus on _you_ to pick out the chunk that stands out for whatever notable characteristic is relevant. Pick that out for them and highlight it, discuss it, prove your ownership and why that makes you the badass they want to hire. I definitely don't want to wade through 13K lines of _your_ c/c++ code to find some damn pearl that I should ask you about. It is _your_ job to put that pearl in front of me.

Comment Re:Ha, hot programming jobs (Score 1) 466

Seriously AC? Do you really think the Repubs feel any differently? Are they lining up to close our borders to products manufactured in countries with lax labor or environmental protections? Are the Repubs really battling against H1Bs? I thought all the people in power from all sides agreed that bringing in foreign labor was good for industry and so must be good for everyone.

Comment Re:Space programs as a crowbar? (Score 3, Insightful) 522

Uh, like other countries like to get bullied?
98 lb guy doesn't like getting bullied? Tough shit, schedule him for a 2:45 wedgie.
275 lb football player doesn't like getting bullied? ok, fine, take him off the schedule.
Same with countries, that's why they all want the nukes, it's the nukes that make all the difference.

Comment Re:Obligatory (Score 1) 310

Since you are apparently dense, I'll summarize the general consensus of the slashdot: you are a moron. Go slash your own dots and watch more faux news. I'd go on and attempt an argument but it would be pointless as you are clearly not a thoughtful person, so I'll stick to the ad-hominem attack.

Comment Re:wait, what? (Score 2, Insightful) 467

You are seriously quoting an article written by what appears to be a college freshman trying to get some points for a lower division english class as scientific proof of something? To further the absurdity of the article, it quotes as relevant authorities the USDA, WHO and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN. None of those care about nutrition, they care only about pushing the products of their sponsor organizations, agribusiness, big pharma, and the petroleum/chemical industry. There was no information about disenting views, their scientific evidence, their arguments, or trully any evidence of them really existing. Therefore, I find your MSG argument unconvincing. Furthermore, it was irrelevant.
Now, McDonalds as a health food? The stuff at walmart is healthy? Have you seen people shopping at walmart? I have, they load up their carts with frozen pizza (carbs mostly), chips (carbs mostly), cookies (carbs mostly), soda (hfcs), pasta (more carbs), and maybe some diet soda if they are feeling like health nuts. An optimal human diet is composed primarily of fat (from animals fed a natural diet), lots of vegetables (for bulk and satiety), and moderate protein. The walmart diet offers none of that. Now if you got healthier eating a mcdonalds diet, I wonder what kind of garbage you were eating before. Were you living on twinkies and mountain dew?
Also, processed is very much unhealthy, that is how I call it cause I am informed. Try to get your information from agencies that don't have a vested interest and are not sponsored (bought) by companies with a vested interest.

As a bonus, here is a quote from one of the commenters on the site you linked:

scientists believe that primates are susceptible to excitotoxic damage[26] and that humans concentrate excitotoxins in the blood more than other animals.[27] Based on these findings, they claim that humans are approximately 5-6 times more susceptible to the effects of excitotoxins than rodents are.[28] While they agree that typical use of monosodium glutamate does not spike glutamic acid to extremely high levels in adults, they are particularly concerned with potential effects in infants and young children[29] and the potential long-term neurodegenerative effects of small-to-moderate spikes on plasma excitotoxin levels.[30]

Comment Re:wait, what? (Score 1) 467

You would be correct if we were all corporations, but we are not, so you are wrong. We are physical people who need jobs so we can get money so we can pay for housing and food for ourselves and our physical offspring. We cannot simply live well by shopping at walmart if we haven't any decent jobs. Walmart shoppers are mostly a fat and unhealthy lot (or thin and flabby) mainly because it is cheaper to eat poorly and that is all they can afford.
steve jobs was only right about capabilities only being available in china due to the tremendous amount of offshoring which has destroyed the US manufacturing base. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Mercantilism is working fantastically for china, isn't it? All of their agreements for advanced technology products include sections for significant training and IP (gawd I hate that word) transfer and training for their engineers and companies. This includes planes, trains, and automobiles. I couldn't give two-shits about someones company going belly up vs going to another country, same difference to me, no jobs for us.
Yeah, I think that way, I think about myself and mine first because I am not a moron.

Comment Re: to-belgium-with-900-strong-entourage-45-vehicl (Score 1) 289

partly the fact that despite being an ex-stoner from Hawaii (Yeah brah!), half-African, with a last name of Obama (rhymes with Osama), he became POTUS. Oh and he graduated from Columbia University and Harvard Law school. That's not enough for you? What's he got to do to win you over, win a Nobel Prize?

Comment Re:Why isn't it rational fear? (Score 1) 95

It is not irrational at all, probably makes you behave in a manner consistent with a desire not to get run over in a car accident, so you don't play with cars on the freeway, you don't run into busy intersections when you don't have the right of way, etc.
Irrational is not leaving the house because there are cars out there.

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