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Comment Re:Not "Russia", the russian federation (Score -1, Troll) 243

Ah yes I know how that is generally figured out. Like that other famine in North Korea for example. They took death tolls from most affected province and then applied it to all others that had less or none at all resulting in a number that contradicts demographic data. NK shows demographic growth still unlike SK but those are nasty commies breeding so all worse for them from western point of view. But if they're willing to fudge things so easily then you shouldn't take most kinds of statistics for granted. Who knows maybe you just fell in ideologically motivated shared delusion.

Comment Re:Not "Russia", the russian federation (Score 0) 243

Well I'm absolutely willing to believe that the structure that has as its main job to fight organized crime would do so, and it being shut down would lead to raise of said crime. Your alternative I disregard due to Occam's razor. Especially considering that theories of the opposite were parroted by unthinking westernization fanboys. They have reasons to lie. It's not like I have any love for commies but I'm unwilling to lie just to attack them. Any country irrespective of ideology would have to develop more or less capable crime-fighting structures just to survive for anything close to 70 years. And ideology doesn't matter here, even if that's communism.

Comment Re:Not "Russia", the russian federation (Score -1, Troll) 243

So much bullshit you even contradicting yourself. First there's "opponents" everywhere then there's "patriotism". Those needless proxy wars funded from abroad only exist to maximize deaths and profit. RF ended up in them only because abstaining would cause even more deaths. For example, caliphate in Dagestan and Chechnya would lead to lot of religious violence due to incompatibility of local practices and Salafism. People absolutely rightly believe that if you have to choose between your allies dying and your enemies dying then you need to choose enemies.

Comment Re:Not "Russia", the russian federation (Score 0) 243

Nah, voluntary teardown doesn't count as a "fail". What really failed is the new system they tried to build from ground up. But that's only because not only "communism" doesn't work but also "capitalism" doesn't work. There is no silver bullet. But the main point is that you shouldn't expect another voluntary teardown for at least couple more centuries. And forced one would fail too. It will work out like Crimean war. Westerners would pretend to have won but it would end up an empty waste of time for them anyway.

Comment Re:Not "Russia", the russian federation (Score 1) 243

You don't even know what you're talking about. Anyone who was remotely important in KGB is retired for years already. And only reason there was rise of organized crime is because in order to please their western donors reformers not only fully gutted KGB but also whatever equivalents of FBI USSR had. So I always treat all appeals to "organized crime" from foreigners as some sort of "stop hitting yourself" fallacy. It's what they wanted. Crime is easier to deal with for foreign partners, less red tape to cut through.

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