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Comment Re:MS can't give up decades old practice (Score 1) 132

There's an easier way, just download iso from tpb or something like that. Their modified isos have menus that allow you to choose variant you want to install(home premium etc) and doesn't even ask any serials. Installed os gets updates and works as it should. I think microsoft just needs to reuse their solution :P

Comment Re:I don't see what's wrong with this (Score 3, Interesting) 406

Every person has some data that should be secret, like credit card details. If your devices have a backdoor for government then criminals can use it too. Just matter of time before the way to use it leaks into criminal underground. Requiring mandatory backdoors for storage is as absurd as requiring a single mandatory government usable master key for all locks. You may be 100% sure that actual use it to catch criminals will be dwarfed by abuse by government officials for their own petty ends.

Comment Re:GOTO is a crutch for bad programmers (Score 1) 677

Actually you could split off each resource acquisition into separate function that does acquire -> check -> cleanup cycle for one resource and calls next function in chain. Not shorter than goto way but you're less likely to shoot yourself in the foot by messing up order of cleanups or something.

Comment Re:False dichotomy much? (Score 1) 135

This review score inflation is mere consequence of inherent subjectivity of it. Each person maybe can establish some sort of consistent scoring methodology but it will be of little use for other people. If you try to be objective and neutral you pretty much always find a way to boost score because each poorly executed aspect of the game in question is pretty much guaranteed to be unimportant for someone and thus not warranting a downscore..

Comment Re:Should be, but it isn't. (Score 1) 386

Of course they are, but they aren't reference compilers.

At some point having d overlay led to getting warnings during portage sync and what-not, so I removed it.

All in all I just didn't consider it interesting enough to study even. I'm more interested in a true paradigm shift rather than another iteration of C++ which already is good enough for my taste. So I still have haskell overlay and actually do learn haskell :P

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