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Comment Re:Go to hell (Score 1) 218

All of the people in the United States who own guns and guns way beyond hunting rifles and home protection haven't stopped the Supreme Court from passing a law the other day to allow billionaires to pool their money in political campaigns.

Guns.......and phones without kill switches will not protect your freedom.

Only being an informed and involved citizen will.

Comment A Light Saber In Another Person's Hands? (Score 1, Redundant) 242

Many of the top critical comments are similar to criticism I've heard about the classic "How To Win Friends And Influence People".

A light saber is the same tool in Darth Vader's hands or Luke Skywalker's hands.

It is all about intent and the state of mind you use it in.

Yes, a lying piece of shit narcissitic sociopath could use technique X to get what he wants, regarless of the consequences to everyone else.

Someone with a good heart can use technqiue X to remind himself to review a situation, find something positive, using to get something positive, something win-win done and make people feel better, out of a sincere desire for them, in the process.

Comment Too many people, not enough jobs? (Score 1) 870

Automation is threatening lots of low skilled jobs.

Every industry has some "fluff" in my opinion, things that are needed, but that happen to make money. Example, Inuit fighting tax code simplification so people will want to buy their software.

Is the elephant in the room that there are too many people to give quality jobs too, or any job? That productivity is so high that it isn't necessary to have everyone working to give everyone what they need?

Is the current paradign out of date?

If very few people have jobs, then there are less people to buy things, keep other people employed and give profits to owners.

Comment Will not automation happen regardless? (Score 1) 870

A few years ago when the supermarkets in my area began replacing cashiers with self checkout machines, there was no minimum wage debate going on.

Will not automation happen regardless?

Even if the cost of an employee is about the same as a machine wouldn't employers rather not have employees as machines are more under their control?

Comment Reminds me of food irradiation (Score 1) 167

Food irradiation, which was foisted on the American public by Bush 1's VP Dan Quayle, with no food labeling required sounds similar. A dose of radiation on our food, prevents it from decaying as quickly.

I had a friend in a startup back in the day who would keep an orange in his desk as a joke, saying that he would know if the produce from store X was nuked or not depending on how rotten that orange would get.

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