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Comment Re:Translation... (Score 1) 40

Ericsson is 138 years old.

1876 They started with telegraphs.
1877 Showed of the telephone.
1878 Started repairing telephones.
1881 Started making telephone equipment.
1882 Made a wall-mounted telephone.
1896 They produced over 25 000 telephones.
1907 They started to produce telephones in New York.
1909 Set up telephone station in Mexico.
1918 Merged with SAT.
1923 Televerket pick their 500 switch.
1932 Kreuger buys a controlling stake of Ericsson and sell it to biggest competitor ITT.
1946 They start some funds.
1950 They start going international.
1956 They make their first mobile phone!! And a phone where everything is in the handle.
1970 Ericsson and Televerket join each other in developing switching equipment.
1976 AXE station.
1977 Computer controlled AXE.
1978 Ericsson and Philips receives a large order from Saudi Arabia.
1982 Ericsson Information Systems was launched and their PC.
1992 World leader in mobile phones with over 100 000 employees.
1996 Radio communication large share of their business area, mobile system and telephones grow by 50 percent.
2000 Ericsson response - Emergency assistance.
2001 Cell division merge with Sony.
2003 Returns to profits.
2006 "Ericsson received the Best Access Technology recognition for its VDSL2 solution for fixed broadband access at the Broad World Forum."

Why should the company be free?

Comment Re:Translation... (Score 1) 40

Guess it's unmannerly to call you stupid.
So I'll call you yellow instead.

No yellow.

Ericsson has a business where they make money.
Some of the money will reach to the owners of the company.

As such people are interested in owning the company to get hold of that money. And because of that to get ownership of a part of the company cost money.

P/E for for Ericsson was 23.25.
For Apple 17.67.
For Google 27.16.
For Nokia 59.84.
For Facebook 74.47.

Facebook purchased WhatApp for 16 billion USD. I don't know what people thought it was work but 16 billion isn't something I would sneeze at.

As for Facebook valuation you can say what you want.
But the reality is that they ARE making money. And they are increasing the amounts they make quickly.

I don't know how much you've actually looked into it. Guess you may make your statement out of the IPO relative what the stock traded at later.

IPO price of Facebook was $38 18 May 2012.
In August 2012 it traded at around $18.
Mid July 2013 at $26.
And then it lifted to $54 in mid October 2013 and to $70 early march 2014.

Currently (15 min delay?) valued at $78.45 with a recent peak just above $80.

It was priced very high relative profits and yeah it did fall from $38 to $18. But it's up at $78 now at a better price relative their currents profits. So profits will have risen a lot over these 2.5 years.

You're free to argue it should be worth nothing. But considering they make billions that would be pretty stupid and I for sure would take a chunk of Facebook if it was given to me for free. (Currently valued at 216.79 billion.)

Comment Re:Translation... (Score 2) 40


Ericsson value: 40 billion USD
Nokia value: 30 billion USD
Sony: 23.6 billion USD
Motorola Solutions (sold network part to Nokia): 15.6 billion USD.
(All stocks counted using Google finance?)

Ericsson P/E: 23.18
Nokia P/E: 60.30
Motorola Solutions P/E: 26.80

It's true Nokia was the biggest of them all in phones. It's true Ericsson started to make phones with Sony and later let them take over all of it.

And as for Nokias phone business I guess we all kinda know where they are now and how much wealth that generated lately ..

I assume Ericsson or Huawei are the largest players in the Network field.

Ericsson may have lost its phone business to Sony:
31 Oct 2014:
"PlayStation profits up but Sony on course for £1.2 billion loss",
Ericsson seem to be the more healthy company ..

31 Juli
"But Sony's mobile-phone unit, which a year ago had been the company's most profitable electronics division, posted an operating loss amid sagging sales."

Not that I've looked into it a lot. But I'm not sure you're giving Ericsson enough credit.
Says 3.7 billion for Huawei but I don't know whatever it's all the stocks and if it's of any use.
Likely not:
Says $3.46 billion in profit 2013.

Comment Re:Don't foget (Score 2) 186

I really want to beat the game as a wizard. I'm kind of angry because I had a bag of holding with EVERYTHING, spellbooks scrolls of earth and MagicBane!, but somehow my bag disappeared and I can't even get through the tower because I'm a boulder short and no scroll of earth. Digging with my pickaxe didn't work either

O drow wizard (slashem) your quest may end here.

Comment Re:Remember guys... (Score 1) 73

I don't think I've ever seen that.

And it's definitely not the regular scenario of Mantle vs DirectX.

Heck. With a good processor (evil minds would say not an AMD one) I've seen Mantle benchmark LOWER.

Lame to post as AC.

More relevant though is that similar development are being done in DirectX 12 and new version(s?) of OpenGL.

So it's in the future for both. But Mantle isn't necessarily the future for either.

Comment Re:Don't foget (Score 2) 186

As far as modern games I've only played nethack and slashem (I've played rogue and moria) Crossfire too, but crossfire is so different.

I can honestly say that after over 10 years of nethacking I am not very close to winning. I love getting a ring of teleportation and eating a bunch of leprechauns and tengus to become "jumpy" though.

Comment Re:Modern board games (Score 1) 171

Honestly I wonder if it's not more likely in that direction rather than the opposite.

Or maybe it's about the same.

Back as a kid I wanted boardgames and I wanted to play boardgames. But there was little chance for both.

I've played quite a bit of video games but on PC WC II, C&C, Quake in school and later only Warcraft III and the World of Warcraft beta so not much.

I've bought lots of games but don't really play them.

With board games instead I regard them as inferior because they play slowly, are more limited in scale and variation, require more book keeping, of course people need to get the rules and such.

But still I've played more of it. Which I guess is because of the social factor.

Now I must say that if I had the chance to play video games together with someone chances are I'd pick that. And yeah, for single player of course I'd pick an electronic one there too.

So maybe video games wins, except kinda all boardgames are social events and very many video games are single player experiences and that doesn't interest me as much because they don't give me what I crave more I guess. .. so. That was a shitty answer =P

As for action games I have no solid recommendation. I bought an Infinity Operation: Icestorm starter. It's a very limited set (in options) but such a game or something like Warhammer 40k or so I guess cover the action bases for many.

Real-time will have similar problems too. Like. Escape! would be real-time, and Space Alert would be real time. And maybe those could be something?

Feel free to check Summoner Wars, Duel of Ages II, Battlelore and such for "dudes on a map fighting each other."

Check Chaos in the old World for something a little different (or Twilight Imperium III on bigger scale.)

Euro games there has already been some suggestions for. I guess for someone who have an interest in Civ and such maybe Caverna or something such is a better start.

A small game such as Coup or possibly Bang! The bullet or something such I could recommend for more or less anyone.

Coup isn't all that strategic but it has the lying / hidden identity part I like in all boardgames (Battlestar Galactica have a traitor mechanic and have a decent game around it.)
In coup you'll have 0-2 identities which are also your 2 lifes to start with. At your turn you can take the action of any of your identities, or actions available to everyone, OR any action you want if you act like you have that identity. Someone can question that though and if they are right then too bad for you. However if they are wrong too bad for them so people don't really want to question things too much... But will they really allow you to get away with anything?

Bang do the same, also very simple and with a few roles where you claim to be this and that but also show it with your actions. It's longer though and have a few other things thrown in / which happen too.

IMHO Coup is a much cleaner game and I'd recommend it higher because of that.

Quantum is pretty cool too. It's a "space struggle" kind of game. But very simplified. But still somewhat satisfying. Check it out :) .. All on boardgamegeek :) (aliquis there.)

Comment Re:Stay out of space (Score 1) 140

Since space exist, it's harmful, he haven't and we need space vehicles to get there I guess we can say intelligent design is bullshit.

(Also he obviously made us evil and didn't taught us his message from birth, or everything there is to know about the world in general. Which seem like a huge flaw. Especially if we're design to be as he.)

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