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Comment Re:Ground down (Score 1, Insightful) 1198

And this is one of my major gripes with modern western women: There is actual REAL BAD SHIT happening to women in this world. However, it's not happening in any 1st world country, but ya'll want to talk about patriarchy, the boy's club, and the horriblenogoodverybadthings you have to put up with when in reality you are the SAFEST, LEAST OPPRESSED, MOST ENTITLED group of females to ever grace this planet.

And the shit thing is, even after all that progress, they still have to put up with you.

Submission + - Your Princess Is in Another Castle: Misogyny, Entitlement, and Nerds

PvtVoid writes: Jeopardy champion Arthur Chu pens a heartfelt takedown of misogyny in nerd culture:

What the fuck is wrong with us?

How much longer are we going to be in denial that there’s a thing called “rape culture” and we ought to do something about it?


To paraphrase the great John Oliver, listen up, fellow self-pitying nerd boys—we are not the victims here. We are not the underdogs. We are not the ones who have our ownership over our bodies and our emotions stepped on constantly by other people’s entitlement. We’re not the ones where one out of six of us will have someone violently attempt to take control of our bodies in our lifetimes.

Comment Re:As painful as it is... (Score 1) 552

This is an "ask Slashdot" article. A question has been asked by someone in real need. I wish I had a real answer, but I really am not up on the state of the art in the field. I do know a counter-productive non-answer when I see one and, in the described situation, posts like yours are exactly such.

We'll have to disagree on that one. Anybody trying to respond compassionately and effectively to the situation described should be considering the very real possibility that the condition is mostly irreversible. Of course it's going to come up if you choose to discuss it on a public forum, and there is nothing wrong with that. Quite the contrary: the fact that people so commonly respond with venom and denial to discussion of end-of-life planning is a massive problem, and contributes to unimaginable suffering for many, many people.

Comment Re:As painful as it is... (Score 1) 552

within certain limits; these absolutes you seem to be reasoning in don't play well with reality. To give a more extreme example, if you are involved in an accident in which you lose your genitals, and end up in intensive care for a short while, with little acute pain and a prognosis of full recovery, you don't get to decide to die because you dread staying a virgin forever.

Last I checked, losing your balls doesn't come with being unable to breathe on your own. You're accusing me of setting up strawmen?

Fuck you and goodbye.

Comment Re:As painful as it is... (Score 1) 552

Do any of you people grasp at all the fact that she may not be permanantly stuck in this state?

This is a totally fair point. Another totally fair point is that nobody should be diagnosing anybody over the internet. So allow me to clarify: instead of "her position" (nobody here knows exactly what that is), I would substitute "to have irreversible brain stem damage that left me in her position". That makes it rather a lot more hypothetical.

Comment Re:As painful as it is... (Score 1) 552

What part of "without being in constant agony" did you not understand?

Being in "constant agony" is nowhere specified in the ethical guidelines as a defining criterion for a best-interests analysis. You're simply pulling that out of your ass. And you continue to conflate withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment with euthanasia. They are two completely different things.

The basic standard, clearly articulated, is that the preferences of the patient are paramount. It's the patient who gets to decide what his or her level of suffering is, and whether or not it is reasonable to continue life-sustaining medical intervention. And yes, there is substantial precedent for this.

It continues to amaze me how human beings refuse to view death as part of the natural process of life, much to their own and society's detriment.

Comment Re:As painful as it is... (Score 2) 552

Totally, utterly incorrect. Even in the most liberal jurisdictions (I'm thinking Belgium and the Netherlands), pulling the plug on the life support system of a patient who has a reasonable prospect of regaining concsiousness and being able to communicate with her surroundings without being in constant agony is leaglly murder.

Fortunately for a lot of suffering people, you are completely full of shit. From the American Medial Association Code of Medical Ethics:

"The principle of patient autonomy requires that physicians respect the decision to forego life-sustaining treatment of a patient who possesses decision-making capacity. Life-sustaining treatment is any treatment that serves to prolong life without reversing the underlying medical condition [...] Even if the patient is not terminally ill or permanently unconscious, it is not unethical to discontinue all means of life-sustaining medical treatment in accordance with a proper substituted judgment or best interests analysis. "

Italics mine.

Comment Re:As painful as it is... (Score 0) 552

So you are advocating pulling the plug on quadripelegics, because they have no motor control? You people disgust me. She has full consciousness and ability to think. She can communicate by blinking. Why don't they just ask her?

I certainly know for sure that if I were in her position, I would want the plug pulled. According to the OP, she is incapable of breathing on her own. There is no medical or ethical obligation to keep her on artificial life support against her wishes, or the wishes of her medical proxy if she is incapable of making a decision on her own. Pulling the plug is not euthanasia, it is simply allowing death to happen in a natural way. Death is as natural and normal as birth.

In this case, it appears that she has rudemintary communication ability. Agree that the sensible thing to do is ask her what she wants.

Comment Re:A fifth horseman (Score 1) 449

Thomas Jefferson said "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.".

From reading a lot of what gets posted by "patriots" on slashdot, you would think that Jefferson said "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the drool of wingnuts."

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