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Comment Re:I hate and despise - but they should still be s (Score 1) 818

Wow, saying the confederate flag means slavery, hatred, bigotry and treason and it gets a +5 Insightful?


Maybe the reason they fly the flag is to respect their ancestors who fought and died for what they believe in.

I think the whole point here is that their ancestors believed in slavery, hatred, bigotry and treason.

Comment Re:Reasons why I don't like Musk's hyper loop (Score 1) 124

Pete from Oz seems to have some 'limitations' in his own mind.

It'll never work!

"In Bavaria the Royal College of Doctors, having been consulted, declared that railroads, if they were constructed, would cause the greatest deterioration in the health of the public, because such rapid movement would cause brain trouble among travelers, and vertigo among those who looked at moving trains. For this last reason it was recommended that all tracks be enclosed by high board fences raised above the height of the cars and engines.

Rail travel at high speed is not possible because passengers, unable to breathe, would die of asphyxia."

- Dr. Dionysus Lardner (1793-1859), Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy at University College, London.

Comment Re:Reasons why I don't like Musk's hyper loop (Score 1) 124

To quote from the link you so kindly supplied:

oxygen production typically lasts at least 15 minutes

Do you want to speculate how long it will take to extract people from a hyper loop capsule?

Here, let me help you.
1. Time to locate the capsule
2. Time for the Hyperloop Emergency Extraction Team to respond.
3. Time transport man lifts to the location of the capsule at some arbitrary point between the start and finish location
4. Time to safely raise those man lifts to to the height of the pipe
5. Time to safely cut through the pipe and capsule.

Because there's no way you could let air into the tunnel, of course.

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